Forum The Magnus Carlsen's fan club earned a Bronze Medal for its performance in the Summer Blitz Arena organized by the One World League on 15 - 16 July 2022! Please click on the link to see the complete tournament results.
Like to propose signing together the following "Open letter to Magnus Carlsen": "Dear Magnus, we’re writing this message to you as’s ambassador: We’re convinced, that you know quite well, what’s needed to manage chess clubs and their participation in competitions. Unfortunately shows some long lasting difficulties to understand these needs of clubs, their admins and leagues. One of your five clubs on are The Great Viking Warriors: They are since long time a well known and a very strong virtual chess club, which participates e.g. in the TEAM MATCH CHAMPIONSHIP LEAGUE (TMCL) and the ONE WORLD League (1WL) on Since years this club has been managed by GM Thorsten Michael Haub (@DJ_Haubi). A few weeks ago, Thorsten has been muted by for "club spamming" after having sent – as usual – several messages to club members to prepare an important match for one of his clubs. This muting was one of many, which prevents admins from doing their job. During the last few months is more and more rigorously chasing members, who are sending out a few more messages than others. Many club admins have already reduced or completely stopped their activities recently: Thorsten did the same after receiving an automated message from accusing him showing a "behavior, that negatively impacts the community". From his point of view, it looked to be pointless continuing in an environment, which looks to be detrimental for clubs, their admins and leagues. His case is only the most prominent one and muting more and more admins is only one of several structural problems that clubs, their admins and leagues are facing on For those, who’re interested, there are several others described in this blog post: Many of us club admins have tried since long time to be heard and understood by – without success. For clubs, their admins and leagues, nothing became better during the last few years. Quite sure, that you can help us, if you like to do so: With your support, there should be a way towards improvements and a better environment for our activities on Best regards, @tournamentix (ONE WORLD League)" If you like this open letter, please mention additional information like signing as a representative of one or some clubs or e.g. as a member of one. It's scheduled to close the list by the end of Saturday (PDT).
JustElina777 Jun 24, 2023
Hi thereIm the owner of Magnus Carlsen's fan club.We're trying to update our club: management team,members,activeness and everything in general.We would be very happy if you accept our invitation to become an admin in our club.Here are admin's responsibilities:1) Admins have to communicate with members, try to be active in club notes.2)Admins have to know and follow the club rules,and make sure other members follow them as well.3)?.4)Admins have to respect both club members and management team.5)Admins have to try to make the club better day by day, help the club grow and achieve club goals. Admins are allowed to ban,mute or warn members,in case they dont follow the rules,spam or abuse other members. Please let us know if you agree to be an admin in our club,as soon as you accept our invitation to be an admin,we'll sent you an invitation to our HQ and you'll be promoted. Here's the club link: Have a nice day,MCFC Management team.
JustElina777 Jun 10, 2023
here im going to post member's ID's that might join our club by inviting. Now we are out of invites,so this forum will be useful when we have invites.
JustElina777 Mar 29, 2023
I need your help and Magnus Carlsen's Fan Club to build this club. I want to make this club big and when it comes to a stage, build other peoples clubs. We have (so far) gathered the Hybrid Trust, constructed the club and are waiting for you to accept our request. We need you in The Hybrid Trust (A group of clubs that have banded together to help each other out as a team) because you have a great personality and you have members. Here is what I am proposing 1. You become an Admin 2. Your club name is put on our club banner. Our club banner is placed on the clubs that are in the Hybrid Trust 3. If this works out the way I planned, you will also get members in your club because of the banner. This banner is spread between clubs, a bit like UCN but we promote clubs on it. What I ask of you: 1: Members. We need quite a few of your members if we want to expand, this will ultimately help the clubs in The Hybrid Trust. 2: To be willing to put our banner in your club. We want to make this fair for every owner that is in The Hybrid Trust. We really need this up so it helps our clubs inside our trust and it may actually help you too. Any Questions? @HaramisBlood
JustElina777 Sep 25, 2022
Hello friends, hope you’re doing good is this a good banner for our club?
JessicaSlidale Aug 30, 2022
The above banner can be used to remind the team members to wait before casting votes until discussion about the possible moves takes place.
Hello friends,sorry for disturbing you. I hope y’all are ok. As I am not able to post screenshots in notes,I made forum. @Rockinlt10 played more than 120 games and scored more than 400 points for team Magnus. How can we thank him for that?
JustElina777 Aug 10, 2022
About 8 days ago, one of our club members asked in the Notes if a "Fair Play" violation would put a Medal from a Multi-Club Arena in jeopardy. I decided to pose this question to the Director of the One World League. I did it without mentioning the name of the club member or the name of our club explicitly. I am pasting my version of the question first. Then you will find the response from the One World League Director. *****************Question by Knetfan (8 days ago)***************** A "fair play" question came up a couple of hours ago in the Notes section for one of the clubs that qualified for both the Autumn BLITZ Championship and the Autumn RAPID Championship based on the two 24h Summer Arenas on July 15 and July 29, respectively. Specifically, one of the leading scorers for the club in both events just had his/her account closed by for "fair play" violations. The two-fold question was if the account closure would impact the qualification status for the Autumn Championship Arenas and also if a medal earned by the club in one of the two Summer Arenas was now in jeopardy. Has the One World League thought about "fair play" issues in the context of a live chess championship series? Have specific sanctions been proposed and/or finalized yet? I know that it is a complex issue in general, and I know that the One World League has been discussing "fair play" issues recently in regards to Vote Chess competitions. My main point is to bring up the issue in the context of live chess competitions sooner rather than later so that it can be discussed more thoroughly. *************Response from One World League Director (6 days ago)********* Thanks for question. As you know, it isn't easy to answer ... Until now we've had e.g. two incidents with "winners" in our Multi Club Arenas: In November 2021 an unknown player (rated under 1500) joined a two hours Arena and won 17 out of 18 games with a performance near to 2000. There were doubts about this already during the Arena and it wasn't really a surprise to see this account closed for FPV some weeks later. During our Birthday BLITZ Marathon there was an indefatigable player, who scored 119 victories from 171 games: Some weeks later the account has been closed for FPV. As a general rule the ONE WORLD League doesn't alter's results. The main reason is, that there isn't any information/evidence independent from decides, whether or not closing account, whether or not qualifying account closures as FPV and whether or not modifying results. Neither league nor club admins probably know something relevant about any of these decisions. Assuming, that participating clubs aren't intending to gain advantage from members, who've become suspicious of dubious behavior, we've asked clubs until now, what they want to see us doing with points achieved by those players. The overall score in our monthly Arenas is managed by the sum of game points and (with one single exception) clubs have decided to waive these points ... I would appreciate seeing clubs being more active by their own in such situations. Concerning medals: In November 2021 I've revoked a medal of a club after their confirmation of waiving the points from the FPV player ... That's possible, but it will always be an unsatisfactory and incomplete actio: Just taking away a medal and leaving an empty space still feels strange. On the other hand, it would take hours to recalculate manually the results of a 24 Arena by excluding all games of a player after FPV, including all missing points for winning streaks of their opponents and recalculating the entire club ranking as well ... Who would offer doing such an annoying work after every single account closure ...? And: It wouldn't be appropriate any longer to give medals directly after the end an Arena. It would be better to wait e.g. three months ... before giving any medal. Don't think, that this looks to be the right way. During preparation of a first 24h Arena season, we aren't any longer referring to game points and will use another scoring system (mostly to deal with's incomplete documentation of club results in Multi Club Arenas). As far as I've seen at first glance one of the actual. account closures would see a club coming in on the fifth instead of the third place. It would be a good sign of sportsmanship to this club acting as others have done in previous cases, wouldn't it? Latest the with start of our first season, we'll give some guidance to club admins including hints, what can be done helping running our 24h Arenas as smoothly as any possible.
Hello friends, I hope you’re doing well. I think,it will be nice if we award everyone who played for us and scored more than 2 points for team Magnus. We are participating in so many huge tournaments,so I think we should let our players know,that we do appreciate their support. What do you think about that?
The Warm-up Tournaments are a good opportunity for our club to begin to get involved in One World League team match competitions. We definitely have enough active players in this club to support participation in these tournaments. My primary club, Young Beauties, got its start in the One World League one year ago through the 2021 version of the same competition. It is highly recommended! Read the announcement below, and let's talk about it. *************ANNOUNCEMENT 28 July 2022 One World League*********************** We like to offer – as already in previous years – Warm-up tournaments to prepare your (new, enlarged or re-managed) participation in season 2023. Clubs can participate in groups of six clubs each and will play matches on 14-15 boards: OPEN and 960 OPEN11-12 boards: U18, U16 and U14 and5+ boards: U12 and 960 U14 (at your choice)on Sundays September 11, October 2 and 23, November 13 and December 4. Your clubs are invited to show their actual strength to be best placed in season 2023.Registration will close on August 20. Pairings for round 1 will be posted on August 26. ************************************************************************************
aledraogi Aug 3, 2022
This artistic drawing of Magnus Carlsen was created by Greg Joens in 2019. Enjoy!