
Post here your TPB (Trophy Per Brawler) and your TAG (#) to prevent people from lying. Red : More than 800 TPB Orange : More than 700 TPB Orange-yellow : More than 600 TPB Yellow : More than 500 TPB Green : More than 400 TPB Turquoise : More than 300 TPB Blue : Less than 300 TPB Leaderboard : 1) 571.6 TPB @Raphdel1008 : 2) 534 TPB @KingExtravaganza : 3) 518 TPB @menamedwert : 4) 351.6 TPB @Deadloxx : 2) 249 TPB @GMKyleP :
Me_Named_Wert May 17, 2020
If u ask why, here is our chat and also u can read the club notes: SamPokemon : HI see how many frnds I have Hey helo chessguy_888 : what is the point? SamPokemon : means? chessguy_888 : WHAT IS THE POINT OF HAVING SO MANY FRIENDS ON CHESS.COM???? SamPokemon : Nothing chessguy_888 : so y r u bragging about it SamPokemon : r u stupid chessguy_888 : now ur calling me stupid? SamPokemon : just to cht with them what is ur age?ans pls chessguy_888 : now ur asking for personal info? im gonna ban u SamPokemon : why? chessguy_888 : do i need to explain? SamPokemon : yes I am asking ur age cause i think u r bigger than me chessguy_888 : ok 1. u called me stupid for no apparent reason, next u ask for personal info, and u have super messed up logic
Phantom_Beast23 May 16, 2020
Which brawler does the most damage with the regular attack all the way to least damage with perfect range?
chessguy_789 May 15, 2020
So, I thought that it would be really coo if had a chess variant for brawl stars, and I could just use the already made bulldog chess format as played on forums Bulldog Setup: and we could replace the 2 pieces called the bulldog and the witch with 2 brawler chess pieces. So I created my two favorites first: Leon and Mortis with a few pawns from both sides And here are how they would work: Leon (Stealthy Assassin) - Moves like and bishop and rook combined in a maximum of 4 squares Captures normally (by moving to the square and taking the Pieces place) After Move 5, a Leon can go invisible, this consumes 1 move, and its notation is just mentioning that you Leon is going invisible (example: "Bala make my Leon invisible") Making any move or capture with an invisible Leon would have to be made by Private Messaging me, not in the forum where everyone will see your Leon. Every time you PM me to move your Leon it will consume a move and I will type something like White's Leon has moved Making a Capture, Check or standing Adjacent to an enemy piece will make you Leon not be invisible anymore (for example if you PMed me to move your Leon next to an enemy pawn I will post a board with your Leon Visible and you would now have to make you Leon invisible again or publicly post your move) Notation is like 'Lc3' where the first letter will be 'L' Mortis (Dashing Assassin) - Moves like and bishop and rook combined in a maximum of 4 squares Does NOT capture normally Captures by jumping over an adjacent enemy piece and that piece is captured, similar to Checkers except its not restricted to jumping diagonally Can not jump over an enemy if the place where its jumping too is already taken by a piece from any side Can't jump over Friendly Pisces Checks an enemy king by standing next to it Now the tricky part about Mortis - When it moves how ever many squares (1-4) it can move again from the new square one - two spaces in any direction For an example: here the red squares show that it has moved four squares to the left, then it can also move 1-2 squares in any direction (the blue lines are just an example, it of-course doesn't capture any piece whilst doing this and can't jump over pieces when doing this. Notation for Mortis is 'M' and then the square it wants to go too first then the square it wants to go to after that. Mortis can only either capture or move. Example: Movement: Me4 - g4 (Mortis was at e1 went up four squares then moved two to the right) Capture: Mxe2 (Mortis was at e1 but and then it took a pawn on e2 and now is on e3 since he jumped) Ok, so hopefully that wasn't very very confusing, and I will encourage question before I can start a game, I will mod 1 game to see how it goes. If you want to sign up for the game please type in the forums, note these games take weeks to finish, and you must only commit if you will be available. 1st person to ask to join will be white and second to join will be black.
KingExtravaganza May 5, 2020
what's your rank for all your brawlers?
raphdel1008 Apr 23, 2020
All I am missing is Spike and Sandy Both are pretty solid I have heard, But I already have the cool ones, Leon and Crow.
It has been a while since the leaderboard @BiologicalHazard did, so I'm doing a new one. Plz post your trophies to be in it.1. @xNitroBS 23.1k2. @4bishoboo 20.2k3. @nadezhdabirjukova 19K4. @Erictheblitzmaster 18k5. @NeelS123 17.1k6. @yuxuanyang 17k7. @Justin326 16.5k8. @kacker12345 14.5k9. @Landontu 13.7k10. @AndyZeeAwesome 13.3k11. @NubbyCheeseKing 13.1k12. @Tooezforme 13k13. @Dafotado 12.1k14. @TaeKwonLogan 11.7k15. @Niko815 11.6k16. @raphdel2008 11.5k17. @BiolaogicalHazard 10k18. @shockingroll 9.4k19. @Toshad 9.2k20. @goldenwriter 7.6k21. @thundergamerz 5.9k22. @StrangePeanuts79 5.5k23. @jennaj1122 4.9k24. @GMKyleP 4.1k25. @lighteningcrushers30 3.7k26. @Lazergamerz_Aryan 3.7k27. @smashyplayz 3.4k28. @Pusheen_the_PR0 3k
we only write in white text here
chessrayan09 Apr 16, 2020
for some reason their is 66 members in the active brawl stars club but 256 people in this club doesn't people join the active club (not talking to the people who already joined the active club) why just why
keidifferentguy Apr 15, 2020