
Engine Line Arrows in Analysis Board (Suggestion)


Original Topic:

There is this very unfortunate reality that the mobile version of features in-board engine line arrows when you play against the coaching computer, but surprisingly's browser features no way for us to actually VISUALIZE the best engine line suggestions ON TOP of the Analysis Board. You can only see the lines being calculated to the right of the board, but never actually shown as lines on the board itself. However, does indeed show arrows on the board for already played moves to visualize how good they were. So it's technically possible to do as the code is already written for a similar thing.

A great suggestion would be for arrows to be shown on the board itself.

NOTE: There is a difference between the arrows shown AFTER the move on the analysis board showing you if the move was bad or good VS arrows showing the currently best NEXT engine line moves. Please don't mix this up.


Again just so there's no confusion: Arrow on the board showing the evaluation of an already played move ≠ arrows for the best engine line suggestions for the next move


i dont understand..


When you are analyzing one of your past games, in the tab to the right you have this box "Show lines" and you can let Stockfish calculate the best 3-5 engine lines.

My suggestion is that the analysis board should actually SHOW you those best engine lines on the Chess board itself with arrows instead of only showing an arrow for the previous move.






like on lichess -- yes I agree this would be nice to have here as well.

Skissorion wrote:
... However, does indeed show arrows on the board for already played moves to visualize how good they were. So it's technically possible to do as the code is already written for a similar thing.


I agree that it doesn't seem like that herculean of a programming task. Maybe we're blissfully unaware of the complexity of these things, but it seems pretty simple to display at least the top 3-5 moves, perhaps with size of arrow corresponding with "better" moves, etc.


You were thinking of just displaying lines basically one-move deep, right? I have wondered about ways to visualize true "lines" on the board (meaning multiple moves in succession) but I dont think anyone has figured out how to do that effectively yet. Or at least i've not seen that done anywhere. (like, showing the "top line" at a 6 half-move depth, or something like that -- it's tricky to show the move order in an intuitive way, short of literally plastering little numbers on the arrows). But this also leads to a philosophical discussion re:  how useful a top engine line is several moves deep, etc. In some situations (forced mate in X) it's incredibly useful. In other situations, probably not really, as the engine's reason for picking one response over another can be fairly opaque or 'artificial' to us mere mortals -- but again, that's a whole other discussion I guess...




I use SCID vs PC and one of the options is to see a board visualizing the top line. Things change so fast sometimes, I don't see how easy it would be to constantly be redrawing lines on the board, with the exception of positions that have a fairly solid, unchanging set of options after the first 10-15 ply are calculated. Watching that would be a little confusing as well, especially for people that don't really understand how engines work.


I guess redrawing every so many ply wouldn't be too hard to follow.


To be clear I was only agreeing that it seems it should be straightforward displaying the top few engine moves, 1 move deep -- similar to how lichess does it. 

Trying to visualize the top engine line several/many ply deep is obviously completely different in terms of increasing the complexity substantially.... thanks for mentioning the scid v pc thing, I'll look in to that as I've been curious how that looks (and whether it really has much practical use beyond mate-in-#) ..... 


a pic can help:

you see the 3 grey arrows that simply show the top 3 moves of the engine.


Thank you rs38 for the pic, I wasn't sure if I was allowed to post that website here. But yes that is essentially it, do it like the li website, display the best 3-5 engine line moves on top of the board with arrows.




+1, it really wants me to move back to Lichess


I think even if there was a button say like 'hit spacebar' and the pieces would automatically follow the computers best line each time you hit it. 

It would be really useful as a beginner as sometimes when you make a mistake or the evaluation bar takes a big jump it's not clear what the mistake actually was. And it takes ages to keep looking at the best line and moving the pieces manually. 


true, at least you learn chess notation a bit more wink.png 



Let's try and keep the language more family friendly.




This is ridiculous. This is a must-have feature. It pains to do an analysis after a game. 


Desperately needed to help visualize lines. Can't be that hard, they already do it to show the best move after a move is made. Even the [free chess site] has it...!