
NCP - Double Chess


Games (8):


Alternative teams: R&B vs. Y&G

Differences: I’ve changed alternative teams R&G vs. B&Y to R&B vs. Y&G.

Time: 10|10D

Some information:


All players play on the chess board similar to the 2 player chess board. Red and Yellow have less space and Blue and Green have less pieces.

Unfortunately players can’t help their teammates by using their pieces. They can help them by drawing arrows.


1.Don’t resign. You can try not to be checkmated. Your teammate may checkmate his opponent and you will win.

2.Don’t trade all your pieces. You can’t promote your pawns. Unless you have pieces, you will have to checkmate with pawns.

Advantages of playing this variant:

You would learn new strategies and tactics in 2 Player Chess from your teammate.


Wasn't this recently declined?

bsrti napisał:

Wasn't this recently declined?

I corrected one rule and time.


I think it is good


This is an auto-decline for reasons I will explain later, but first of all, I will point out missing requirements for the sake of future NCP/WoF posts: you still need to post 10 games, even in revisions, though 5 of them can be from a past version. Your games have a time span of 21 hours and 43 minutes. Also, when making a revision, please keep the name the same so it is easier for us to find the past version in our records. If you want a name change, just say so in your post or in a note in the thread.

There are many different reasons why positions are declined. If we declined "Teams Chess" for balance, then changing a rule might work. However, it was declined for not being original. I won't go into detail; you can read the declining response here. If your position was declined for originality issues, you have to either add some new concepts or change the current concept (the concept here being a Teams game with two 2PC setups with minimal teammate interaction).  Also, please be more thoughtful about your revisions in the future. If your position only needs a rule change or a time-control change or a WoF-NCP switch, we would ask you to change it and give a pending reply rather than a decline (if a position has the same FEN as another position, we treat it as the same position. This rule lets us auto-decline versions of standard with gamerules). Don't make revisions for the sake of making revisions; you need to have a reason why you think it will improve the position. Sorry, but you'll probably have to start with a new idea; this one's been taken already (golden ratio was accepted since you posted the first version of this).

BoxJellyfishChess wrote: still need to post 10 games, even in revisions...


Quick clarification: In revisions, only 5 test games are needed.


Arena of Heroes by EREBUS101

Arena of Legends by MasterMemesEli

These variant are very similar.


Why can players post only 2 NCPs per week?

Cyprian2206 wrote:

Arena of Heroes by EREBUS101

Arena of Legends by MasterMemesEli

These variant are very similar.


Why can players post only 2 NCPs per week?

We don't look at the similarity of the appearance; we look at the similarity of the concepts. Arena of Heroes is very fast-paced; often you can trap an amazon or two within ten moves. Arena of legends is slower; you develop a few pieces and launch an attack on one of the flanks. AoL is designed so that the best promotion is to the elephant, and AoH is designed so that the best promotion is to the Wildebeest. The main point is that they are played differently, whereas Teams Chess, The Golden Ratio, and Across The River all play the same way: just which 2PC setup will finish first (Golden Ratio has a potential for actual teamplay, which is why it was accepted). Also note that Arena of Heroes was Teams at first. We discovered that it was imbalanced as Teams, and it's FFA now. We are currently in the process of going through all the listed variants and making rule-changes and, if necessary, removing some variants (why is triad still here...). It is possible that Arena of Heroes will be removed (but it would be for balance, not similarity).

The 2-per week rule is to prevent position spamming and revision spamming (which happened a lot in the old megathread). No one gets ideas that fast; and no one can refine ideas that fast. If you find yourself wanting to post more than 2 NCPs a week, maybe try to optimize your positions more before posting them. If you really do get a lot of variant ideas in the week, you can always give the idea to a friend to test, refine, and post.


yeah it's just like other games. Not surprised it was declined

BoxJellyfishChess wrote:

This is an auto-decline for reasons I will explain later, but first of all, I will point out missing requirements for the sake of future NCP/WoF posts: you still need to post 10 games, even in revisions, though 5 of them can be from a past version. Your games have a time span of 21 hours and 43 minutes. Also, when making a revision, please keep the name the same so it is easier for us to find the past version in our records. If you want a name change, just say so in your post or in a note in the thread.

There are many different reasons why positions are declined. If we declined "Teams Chess" for balance, then changing a rule might work. However, it was declined for not being original. I won't go into detail; you can read the declining response here. If your position was declined for originality issues, you have to either add some new concepts or change the current concept (the concept here being a Teams game with two 2PC setups with minimal teammate interaction).  Also, please be more thoughtful about your revisions in the future. If your position only needs a rule change or a time-control change or a WoF-NCP switch, we would ask you to change it and give a pending reply rather than a decline (if a position has the same FEN as another position, we treat it as the same position. This rule lets us auto-decline versions of standard with gamerules). Don't make revisions for the sake of making revisions; you need to have a reason why you think it will improve the position. Sorry, but you'll probably have to start with a new idea; this one's been taken already (golden ratio was accepted since you posted the first version of this).


Oh NOO, does this mean my game this won’t be accepted?

I mean it’s not submitted but I want to know beforehand if it’s copying or not, because it’s not meant to be.


26rchen wrote:
BoxJellyfishChess wrote:



Oh NOO, does this mean my game this won’t be accepted?

I mean it’s not submitted but I want to know beforehand if it’s copying or not, because it’s not meant to be.


This game is sufficiently different. The similar games were only similar because they were all essentially a race between two 2PC boards. Your new position plays like a regular Teams game, and the setup is original (as far as I know). It actually looks pretty interesting; I can't say right now whether it will be accepted or not, but you should definitely refine and submit it.


Alright, but I never submitted no 2nd game this week. Not meant to be offensive, irks a fact.

26rchen wrote:

Alright, but I never submitted no 2nd game this week. Not meant to be offensive, irks a fact.

Sorry, my bad. I didn't read who posted it and assumed it was the person who posted this thread. You can submit it whenever your test games meet the requirements.