
R2GM Variants: Insert Pieces Here


How to play:


  1. Each team gets only a line of pawns to start with
  2. White goes first by Placing their King ANYWHERE on the board
  3. After black has done the same White may either move a pawn, or put a piece on (One of the 7 remaining normal pieces. In one of the spaces behind a pawn)
  4. Black does the same
  5. When putting pieces out both sides needs to put them out behind a pawn, so if you advance a pawn before placing your queen you may place your queen farther towards the enemies line.
  6. You may, however place the king (Move 1) on any square (excluding the 2nd and 7th rank due to pawns already occupying)
    Starting position:

Things to remember:

Move one is ALWAYS the move where your king is placed
On your turn you can ONLY place a piece behind a pawn (Not alongside, it just needs to be in the rank behind it - or further back)
You can only place the amount of pieces you get in a standard chess game (2 Rooks, 2 Bishops, 2 Knights, 1 Queen and 1 King)
Position after move 2:

You can put the king anywhere, but not other pieces, they need to be in any rank behind one that a pawn is occupying.


I will go first:




I am not sure if that is a good move, we shall see



Very cool idea!!!

Faze_Agent wrote:

Very cool idea!!!

Yes, it sounds like a very cool variant. It is a little bit like automate.

We may end up creating an ultimate event here with it


i am in

GM_multimortar4500 wrote:

i am in

Check my new post