
Battle for the White House 2020 Chess Set Commercial -- BONKERS!!!


Rummy, I'm brewing a cup of Harney and Sons Earl Grey right now to have a "virtual" cup of tea with you and everyone.


Best cup of tea ever.

Stay well.


My friends, I troll you not ... the set just arrived!

It's quarantined on the porch right now, I'm not gonna even touch it for like a month.

Got an email from Baldhead ( it's actually Bulbhead, I misread it the first time and just ran with it ), saying it had shipped, a couple of days ago, and I was like Oh, no don't ship it!

I'm so curious though.



Maybe I should suit up, bag it and tag it, and bring out into the woods nearby.

I'm only half joking here, but if I get the virus and think I'm dying anyway, I'll open it up and post some pics.


I'm thinking along those lines too, but this is hardly an "essential" item that I need to open right away, although I may have thought it was, once upon a time, lol.


Depending on where it was manufactured, one would also spray down the set itself, in theory, to be on the super safe side.

There just isn't enough data on how long COVID lives on various surfaces under various conditions.


Oh, wait I see, that's what you were saying.


Ok, this is not good, UPS saw the package that the Mailman dropped off, and left a package for my neighbor!



BISP247, that doesn't surprise me one bit, lol.

Good to see ya.


Here's one from the archives.


Gear Up, fellow Americans.


Its a complete scam! Just check the actual site header address and it goes to Womens Daily Vitamin, the privacy policy lists many different phone numbers that route to other companies.  You will get charged, a few days later your order will just disappear from their "records search" and you're out the money.  Hope they get sued. 


Look at the tab description for the site.. it says Women's Daily Vitamin.. the whole thing is a sham.


Then what, pray tell, is in this box on my porch?!?




And the reason the label looks weird is because I doused the thing in Clorox spray.


Ok, I know I may have trolled a bit too much, and now I'm paying the price, but this is too elaborate a prank, even for me.

I'm flattered that you think I'd be capable of it, though.

If I open it and post pics people will probably say it's Photoshop.


I'm really not sure I'm comfortable with this kind of peer pressure, rummy.


Dude, I don't have an N-95 mask, I'll be going into this with just a bandana. 


And Scotch,

The "Vitamin" part says TV right before it, it's probably associated with that, might be the kind of thing a housewife might buy as a present, not to stereotype anyone.