
The Block Bypass Thread!


Why am I not surprised that someone who is repeatedly blocked for trolling and raging on multiple threads would start a thread to rant away on so that other like himself can nod in approval and validate his sorry butt.

In case if anyone here is unfamiliar with this endgame cretin here's his life story.

He's 24 and has never worked and lives with his parents while they pay his bills including food and his car insurance. ( I'm sure the car he drives was given to him ). He claims thousands in the bank while refusing to pay his own way in life after five years of a free college education in a field he refuses to work in. He rants incessantly about people who work at jobs and make, as he claims, too much money. Which he further claims should be taken from them and forcefully given to their children until 30 years of age so life is easier for them. He claims working through school is illegal and child abuse. He wants schools to only teach STEM even though he took psychology. He rants about sports paying too much even though it's fans that pay their salary.

His overall view of life is that anyone who works at any job he disapproves of is stupid wasting their life, which is too hard for him to face.

So on his daddy's couch he stays, except when he joy rides in his car while waiting to pass a commercial drivers test that he failed because of anxiety issues as a teenager. His life goal is to drive a truck but insists colleges be forced to only teach science and engineering because anything else is bad for society.

There's more but you get the idea.


When you get out of the daddy's house and actually face life like an adult you might see the rest of gen Z laughing at you. You're just lazy and claiming it's everyone else's fault. You are the definition of lame.


I said if you were an example of gen Z it isn't worth saving. But you aren't.

and I realize math is not your strong suit but your comparison to wages and prices now and in the 60s is ignorant. That could be fixed with some simple google searches but you won't because it would take away you reason to bellyache.

In 1968 for example, a new car was $3000 and a small home was $25,000 but I earned $9,000/year and that was good pay then. Nothing really changes but the new generation who always thinks they have it harder than grampa. You don't have to spend 4 years in the military. You go to college for free. You live at home at 23 for free. That's hard? On what planet?

The next generation will pay $10/gallon, buy houses for $2 million. and earn a $million a year and whine you had it easy. You are not the first generation nor the last. You are not the best nor the worst generation either. You, personally, have a lot to learn.

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

I'll face life however I want thank you! Even when I get a real full time job I will still live at home for a while to save up. I'll even use that to my advantage, I'll say I'll be willing to work for much lower pay for a trucking company since I don't have rent expenses. You may be chronologically an adult but you certainly don't act like one. Weren't you the one in the global warming thread that said "Gen Z is not worth saving the planet for anyway" LOL so either Gen Z is worthy or it's not which is it dude? You are also a liar, as it is impossible to get a CDL in 2 weeks. The waiting period between a permit and a license is 6 months alone, and there are extra fees to take the 5 required tests at the same time. It is societies fault for not making jobs have decent hours and decent pay, and I hope more and more people my age find every loophole they can to take advantage of. Gen Z is a victim by society.

It took me two weeks to get a CDL to drive a school bus. Calling me a liar is lame.

Gen Z is not a victim of anything. You claim to be however.


You started off with a decent point about economics but then totally lost it in the last paragraph 🤣

Most hilarious interpretation of generational economics I've ever read, and even if it were true in some onion universe, that would mean one could buy a house in 2 years...if only wages increased by a factor of 20 while gas only increases by a factor of 2...what planet was that again?


You want exact numbers? Why would I bother doing the calculations for you. It won't change your idea of "unfair". You said it yourself. Your a victim. So live as a victim. Good luck with that.


It's okay to let the crackpots flock together...when other people see what this thread produces minus the mature posters (that is, nothing at all), they will learn to shy away from such things. I just came here to dispute the false accusations of "shadow banning"...

Case in point...this train wreck.

DiogenesDue wrote:

It's okay to let the crackpots flock together...when other people see what this thread produces minus the mature posters (that is, nothing at all), they will learn to shy away from such things. I just came here to dispute the false accusations of "shadow banning"...

Case in point...this train wreck.

The forums are littered with train wrecks.


somewhere here op went that 75 degrees F average world temperature would be "when we should really start getting concerned"...

(all of this is rough estimates to show the stupidity of that statement)

thats almost 24 degrees C as the world average "when we should really start getting concerned"

(rest of this is in celsius)

so 23 is ok then?

currently its 15 degrees, so assuming (this is all rough) equal global temperature spikes, we have 8 degrees more than now is fine?

do you understand the meaning of "world AVERAGE temperature"?

its an AVERAGE, with certain regions being hotter and certain regions being colder

lets focus on the hotter regions...

i live respectably close to the equator and peak summer here rn is around 40 degrees average in the day (not night) for like 2 months

that would become 48 degrees celsius...

its NOT OK for an inhabited area to have 48 degrees celsius temperature throughout the day for the whole of may and a bit more

also im ignoring night coz people sleep at night, just the day is counted here

unless we should start sleeping in the day


and dont forget the people who would die due to rising sea levels

that post was anecdotal evidence and questionable scaling, but it should show the absurdity of your statement

and climate change is real btw

seasons here have apparently went wfrom (30ish years ago) actual spring, 3 months summer, then autumn/rainy season, some winter, and back 


early summer peak summer and late summer taking up 6 months of the year

3 months of off and on rain daily, escalating to happening in the day (not just night)

and then 3 months of actually decent weather


"This has been repeated here numerous times. By you as well as others. It has been admitted and is obvious that any new technology has initial costs that eventually are paid back by lower overall profitability. If the petroleum industry wanted to, and they don't, the changeover to cleaner energy would not only be cheaper but faster.

You can't win a race dragging a dead horse behind your car."

As long as the general public doesn't have to pay a single cent to contribute to clean energy then I am all for it (even though I love warm weather). Until then no one is taking my gas fueled car and the public will never let the gov pass laws banning them. Typical comment from someone who is at an age where they have no need for a car and likely no financial burdens. They would have to chase me hundreds of miles at over 120 mph to take my car. I would not comply with such a law.


Locking topic. This is not a kind helpful or forgiving topic. Too many abusive and personal attacks.

This forum topic has been locked