
Chess art (abstract?)


I already posted this elsewhere but the mod suggested here would be a better place.

A while ago I had some fun creating this (artsy)piece and made a canvas version of it.
For those who wonder, yes there is a message hidden in it and yes it's also a reason the king isn't present. I'm also working on different color schemes and maybe make some posters of it....

Is it a good idea to make some sort of forum category called Chess - graphic for example. (to show or share) items like this for the more creative chess players amongst us? (or is this the right place to do so?)

Here are 2 designs and the result hanging at my office wall. If you would love one of these then give me a PM.

IronIC_U schreef:

Very nice design.

949 agrees!  We should have a separate topic just for art at

Thank you! You gotta fill me in on the 949, I saw it earlier but not getting the "meme" behind it. Tried some Google but nothing popped up without going deeper into it.