
Chess Clocks


Beautiful wood for sure! Thank you the photos. On a side note, does anyone know of a maker of the guts that can be purchased for someone to make their own “cabinet” themselves?


@Wits-end, before the advent of purpose-made chess clocks, many people made their own out of alarm clock or pocket watch movements. If you don’t want to go that route, buy an inexpensive new analog clock and take the guts out of it. Such as this one…


@Madmacsback, i had considered that and your suggestion pushed me over the edge. It will be here March 2nd. Time to take a break from flute making and begin a clock project. I appreciate your reply my friend! Now, what type of wood…..


Hi all,

I have just picked up a couple of BHB chess clocks that I think are around 50+ years old - based on what seller noted. Does anyone have anything more specific to add about their age or provenance based on the following photos? A couple of things I find interesting:

The BHB logo is widely space not tightly grounded like the modern logo.

The red flags are straight not star shaped like on some models.

The back has the same shape but slight different elements.

The ‘plastic’ is black - mottled under light - could it be Bakelite?

The edges are rounds - not straight like more modern clocks.

Based on my internet searching - I think the clocks are more likely 1950’s than 1970’s… in the end, I don’t mind - I’m just interested. 

I’d love any thoughts from folk with more knowledge. Thanks in advance.


They are marked West Germany, west and east Germany ceased to exist in 1990, 50 years not out of the question, great find.

Interesting, I took these clocks to a respected watchmaker today - a fruitless endeavour as he is on leave until the end of January (my bad, I should have called first) - but…. for the first time I noticed them in natural sunlight. Whilst almost black inside… in sunlight … no so much. Excuse the weird angle of the photos they are laying on outdoor seats, leaning backwards! The more I research these the more I am thinking these are 1950's, perhaps early 60's. Regardless of their final age, provenance- I am very happy with these clocks and I think they will benefit from a service and clean, by a professional. 👍


They look like classics.


I have a real thing for vintage and even vintage reproductions, as I just like the styling more than most of the modern items.  Here is a photo of a MOM clock I got 3 months ago, and a SC Dubrovnik reproduction set I got in November. 


We were discussing clocks recently and this came up. In the early 1970's, there was a chess/game store in the Northridge Mall in Northridge California. For sale in that store was a chess timer of unique design. I've created a basic 3-d model to help visualize the device.

A sealed clear glass tube rotated on a pivot in front of a backboard. The tube was filled with a clear light oil, and it contained a single ball bearing. The were pegs and holes in the backboard to halt the tilt of the tube at fixed angles, perhaps different for each side as shown. The ball moved freely inside the tube. The rate of motion was dependent on the diameter of the bearing and the viscosity of the fluid (fixed), and the angle of the tube (variable).

Players tilted the tube down on their side after making a move. If the bearing reached the bottom of their side of the tube they won on time. It is somewhat like a sand timer, except the variable tilt per player would allow handicapping.

Perhaps not a practical device but very clever for its time. My memory of seeing this timer is clear. Has anyone ever seen a timer like this? I have searched and could find no hint.



That’s a Walbo chess clock. Photo copied from Chess Praxis’s facebook page. Thanks, Steve!


You sure that's not a scale to weigh cannabis?wink


Thanks, @madmacsback!  So I wasn't hallucinating...

magictwanger wrote:

You sure that's not a scale to weigh cannabis?
