
Post Your Chess Sets



Just bought this set for our new house. Arrives soon. Can't wait.



Wanted to start a "post your chess set" thread but apparently there is one surprise.

So, this is mine from Deleted mod KS

It's an handmade vintage chess set with roman soldiers as the pieces, which i personally really liked.

Loved seeing everyone's sets and i'll stay updated here often, Cheers!

Here's the link if anyone's intrested: Deleted link as advertising in the forums is not allowed mod KS

ArchbishopCheckmate wrote:

I'm so confused, literally what is this

ungewichtet wrote:

surprise.png I love the queens on this one


Mancave update:


I find you need a yellow strip for illumination. Zebra blanket, yeah, and "Elo" score board, cool..! And you still have a chess computer from the time when they were as big as a washing machine happy.png The low table could be in your living room, but it's doing a splendid job of presentation here. On a sunny day you could carry it out into the fields to play.


Contemporary version of the "German Bundesform" set, as still being sold by Weible Spiele. Boxwood and rosewood, weighted. My pieces are probably from the 1990s. They call the set "Modern Set" now, but in fairness to Weible, they also mention the origin of the pieces.


Yesterday I visited the familys summer house and my oldest (?) chess set (bought in the seventies).