
Reassess Book vs. Workbook


I received both books for Christmas (How to Reassess Your Chess - 4th Edition, and, The Reassess Your Chess Workbook).  Does it make a difference how I use them, i.e., do they connect in some way and work in tandem, or are they completely separate?  If separate, in what order should I use them?


from what I've read the workbook is more advanced than the third edition of Reassess. The workbook was published before the 4th edition of Reassess. The 4th edition of Reassess was probably written at a lower level than the third edition, because word on the street was that Reassess was a more advanced book than initially thought.

So, its a safe bet that the workbook is still, even more so, more advanced than the 4th edition. Do them in that order. The book, then the workbook. 


How to . . . should be read first. It contains hundreds of positions and lessons for you to study and absorb. The Workbook, on the other hand, is for you to challenge yourself with later. It demands that you apply the lessons of Reassess to positions that call for careful evaluation and analysis.


I just want to say I love the books 3rd and 4th edition and the workbook.  


2 good books take your time dont rush. read reassess chapter 1 then go back read again. that way you can take so much more in michael adams gave this advice and it works good luck.