
Tactics Time 2!


Well, they've done it again. The team of Tim Brennan and Anthea Carson, one year after their fantastic "Tactics Time," in which they presented us with 1001 tactical positions from the games of real players, have come out with the second volume.

I won't review the second volume in this space, as it is substantially the same as the first, which I reviewed extensively last year. Suffice it to say, however, that it is just as instructive, well-thought out, and instructive as the first.

As soon as I saw it was available, I snapped it up.

Thanks, Tim and Anthea, for great work that's sure to be of inestimable value to legions of intermediate players.


Thanks for the nice review!


I've got the first one but haven't gotten through it yet, so I'll probably have to download the second one too.  I like how the puzzles are taken from real games and present real situations that you're likely to find yourself in.


Is Tactics Time 2 exactly same format as the first one? Like one big diagram over whole page and result on next page? I would like to print all diagrams so this is very important for me


Yes, I am using TT1 also


I've just had a look at the original "Tactics Time" which has a "look inside" feature on Amazon. These tactics look very like those that you get on Chess Tempo IMO. Do you think that's true?


I like "1002 Progressively Challenging Chess Tactics" even better.  It's perfect for Kindle too!




I read the sample of TT1. I appreciate the fact that these puzzles are "real" but the authors seem not to organize them into category. Is it purposeful?


Personally, I think tactics collections where you're not told what to look for and are just told to "find the best move here" are most useful. But I'm only a noob happy.png