
The US$139,995 Chess Set


The uniquely designed chess pieces of the Lord Linley chess set and table are cast in 114 pounds (52 kilos) of solid silver.The kings are 16 inches tall. The pawns are 8 inches tall. Truly collectible.

As of the time that I learned about it, there are only two left for sale out of 12 that were made.

Would you buy one?




If I ever become a consultant in my future, I'm buying an obscenely expensive chess set for 1 year's wages once I'm debt free. Just for the sheer thrill of it.


$139 995  and it's hideous.... Fantastic.


I have no fancy for expensive chess sets. Interviewers often ask me if I own something special and become dissappointed when I say that a regular FIDE-approved Staunton works best for me.

AndTheLittleOneSaid wrote:

$139 995  and it's hideous.... Fantastic.

Hah, indeed.  140 grand seems a lot of money to drop for the simple purpose of scaring a few kids away from chess.


The late Michael Jackson's marble chess set and table was estimated at US$3,530.


As far as Staunton-style chess sets are concerned, people would probably prefer the House of Staunton's mammoth elephant ivory and ebony chess set (no table or board) now selling for US$9,995.


Maybe Graham Knuths had the Gorbachev chess set in mind during the design process? The set is one-of-a-kind and is not for sale.


Too rich for my blood. Why would anyone pay $140,000 for a chess set? Surprised


looks delicious ... you now know what to get me for Christmas


If I'm spending like that, it wouldn't be on silver.  upgrade to gold or platinum or a few diamond sprinkles and I may reconsider.


I'd rather buy a 100,000 chess sets for kids who can't afford them than buy such a lovely set for myself.  I will still accept it as a gift :D


I think that the designers are banking on the fact that expensive metals will increase in value in time. If they were to use gold and platinum, I doubt that anyone else would buy them for fun.


Silver prices may have risen with other metals, but at $23 an ounce, they are not a significant factor in the price tag.


Darkened silver, I assume.

The site says that all the pieces are cast in silver.


On reading the advert, I have to correct what I said earlier. The set is extraordinarily heavy, at 52kg. If melted down, it would be worth almost $40,000, so the mark up is only a little more than $100,000.


The very first one with the link to chess central is really neat. Notice the free shipping. Oh and I'd like to see a bullet game played with those 112lb. chess pieces. Just a matter of endurance.


Heck, that sounds great. Good cardiovascular workout as well as brain exercise.

jay201235 wrote:

Natalia is probably more afraid of her kid jumping on the horsie or chewing off the king's head --- not a bad way to win, by the way. 

Riiiight. I'm thinking that the child will break her jaw trying.


If it's not classic Staunton, it's not chess, is it?

I've seen some ridiculously expensive and elaborate chess sets. Once, in Italy, I was shown a chess set that was huge, with carriages, cannons, knights with lances, etc. Had been in the family since forever, and was used "to instruct the young sons of the family in the art of war."

They weren't good chess players, though. Cool


Paul211  I couldn't get that link to work, can't find it on google either.

I'm sure that set was made to be gifted to me!!! Hanakha ..Easter ..or Eid, take your pick. If parted from the gift giver, I wouldn't sell it :D
