
Zagreb set with removable / swappable finials on the king, queen, and bishop?


Is there a Zagreb set that has removable and swappable finials on the king, queen, and bishop? I would like a Zagreb knight with only the bishop to have the contrasting finial. So in essence it's a Dubrovnik Zagreb mash-up. 

I've seen online there was an importer (WorldWise?) that sold a set called "Old Russian" or "Olde Russian" that had a Zagreb knight and only a bishop with a contrasting finial. But availability of those sets have since dried up. There were a few leads online but after contacting the vendors to confirm availability, they all said they were old listings and were actually sold out. From what I can tell, they're not high end sets. Below $100 for 3.7-3.8inch kings.


Hmm.. House of Chess has something close to what I'm looking for. Not swappable finials, but it has the end result of only the bishop with a contrasting finial similar to the Dubrovnik which I'm seeking. They are calling it Yugo Staunton. 3.75 King. The knight looks a bit squished compared to the Zagreb. Tall and narrow. And I hate that cheezy House of Chess branding on the rook top.


I actually ordered the above set from house of chess, but what I received looks like this:


I have no Idea why, but I'm ok with it...I thought it odd that the green bag from house of chess was not with the order.

Oh well...



@phread You ordered a House of Chess - Yugo Staunton set but received a set that looks like a Chess Bazaar - Zagreb? The knight is the wider Zagreb style and the finials on the Bishop, Queen, and King are swapped? Dang. That's bizarre. They're not even trying. 


Yes that is so...I ordered it in November for Xmas present.  And when it arrived the label said Babul Wood and Boxwood while I was expecting ringy rosewood and boxwood.  So I opened it up thinking it was a completely different set...and was amazed to find it was a "zagreb" inspired set of pieces.  I will be using the pieces on Xmas Day.



@phread   If it wasn't for the finials the Zagreb set would've been my first choice. It's a beautiful set with a nice hefty unique knight. Enjoy it on Christmas Day! My Christmas set has been stuck in France for 12 days now due to (I'm guessing) the holidays and covid. With no sign of coming soon. No joy here.


WOW, sorry to hear it is lost in transportation.  I hope you have a good Xmas, It'll show up eventually.

Good Luck


My new set arrived today (Antipodean Series Rosewood Staunton) and they seem pretty much identical to the above pics.

Also, just while discussing similar sets, the white finials on all my dark pieces (Bishops and Queen) have what seems like a circular line running about 70% around them. At first I thought it was just a mark or natural wood blemish, but it feels more like a deep scratch/crack, but unusual to be on all of them. Any ideas?


@itrenix: It is good to hear that it has arrived; as to the circular line, my guess would be a line made during turning?



Thanks yes and they are really nice. 

Regardingt the line, thats what I thought, but it is just the white finials, not the dark, so that made me question this, however, I am no expert, and it is on all of them but I was just more worried in case this worsened over time!

I have still not heard back from Regency regarding the damaged Bishop yet, however I know they are likely to be busy.

Either way I am very happy with them. Great feel, much heavier than my other set and the darker rosewood looks lovely against the walnut and maple board.

Thanks again


Good to hear it is working for you.

I'll be unwrapping my set on Xmas morning.


Bet your excited. I am like a kid at Christmas anyway with a new set, and now it is actually Christmas hahah.

I have a range of books wrapped up and ready to open happy.png


I'm sitting here reviewing a chesspublishing doc with the new pieces.




@Pawnerai - Have you considered Leningrad? It has Zagreb styled knights and does not have contrasting finials. I got mine from Official Staunton but it is available from other major retailers as well.

(Photo credit: Official Staunton)

The downside is that even the bishops do not have the contrasting finials. You'd have to paint them opposite if that is a must for you.

Leningrad is great and safe to play with. "Safe" in the sense that you won't have to deal with players who refuse to play with pieces that have contrasting finials or Kings without a cross. 


Maybe a little late but HOS offers a Zagreb set with interchangeable finials. Not sure whether there are any in stocks at the moment though.