
Chess Coaching

I am offering Coaching for Elo 1000 and below for $20/hr.

I am an intermediate chess player, and I will teach you basic tactics, good openings (white and black), and a lot more.

Beginner Chess Player (1000 or below)
Have Discord
Have Venmo

Message me for an available time slot!

yo, coach can you teach me the queens gambit in detail please? ill gladly pay 20/hr


wtf , what openings?


i bet you dont even know one opening


What is this, Starsky and Hutch…..

You guys are going to hunt down every “amateur” in the coaching section?

Chuck639 wrote:

What is this, Starsky and Hutch…..

You guys are going to hunt down every “amateur” in the coaching section?

yes i dont have a life and call out coaches 1700 and under. its my only joy in life. you guys are just totally legit uncertified <1750 "coaches"

KnightOfThe64Squares wrote:
Chuck639 wrote:

What is this, Starsky and Hutch…..

You guys are going to hunt down every “amateur” in the coaching section?

yes i dont have a life and call out coaches 1700 and under. its my only joy in life. you guys are just totally legit uncertified <1750 "coaches"

Didn’t side kick say 2200 was the cut off for coaching?

I am higher rated on my other account for reasons like these….


no he said thats the minimum elo for coaching. nice try!


yep your 2nd account is WAY better and you have a higher elo too. nice, name it

KnightOfThe64Squares wrote:

yep your 2nd account is WAY better and you have a higher elo too. nice, name it

You don’t respect anonymity and site rules?

We can play a set of 15/10 on this account and if you are an established 1800 rapid rated player (being a new player); the games will be competitive.

KnightOfThe64Squares wrote:

no he said thats the minimum elo for coaching. nice try!

Play me a set of 15/10 games over the next week or two.

Worst case, I peg down your provisional rapid rating.

Chuck639 wrote:
KnightOfThe64Squares wrote:

no he said thats the minimum elo for coaching. nice try!

Play me a set of 15/10 games over the next week or two.

Worst case, I peg down your provisional rapid rating.

sure i dont think i have time for 15|10 though so what about rapid?

KnightOfThe64Squares wrote:
Chuck639 wrote:
KnightOfThe64Squares wrote:

no he said thats the minimum elo for coaching. nice try!

Play me a set of 15/10 games over the next week or two.

Worst case, I peg down your provisional rapid rating.

sure i dont think i have time for 15|10 though so what about rapid?

I’m a 90/30 player and even 15/10 I flag.

I am very rusty at the moment which is why you see me playing 5/5.

We can play a set of 5/5 to practice my openings and middle games if you want to do that?

I don’t expect to win because I am slow, but you tell me if I suck or not?


Where you at?


It's really disgusting. I say again, u don't need to be a master to teach beginners. But In this case I agree,OP should not coach


Kick his a$$ chuck!! Lol

FavelaSwag wrote:

Kick his a$$ chuck!!

lol you wish lil 800


Bro I’m the only person I know who knows what an elo is. No one cares. I don’t even care. This is like scrabble or something lol


u arent good enough to coach


He’s good enough to coach but not for money lol