
London System Video from GM Simon William — what out an early out bishop?

Not sure this is the best channel but could not find another — this is a follow-up request about the very much appreciated London System videos by GM Simon Williams. One of the ‘helpful’ things about the many variations explained in the video series is that black’s white-square bishop stays trap on the 8th rank, and white’s ability to have it’s white-square bishop on d3 able to sacrifice itself on h7. But an early f5 from black through a solid wrench in the concept of getting control of the d3-h7 diagonal and also seems to discredit the knight bd2.
Not being a very high level player (1500-1600) I quite enjoy the videos, but would like (ok, need is more to the point) some more about “what-if” the opponent does everything against the “key objectives” of an the opening?
Actually you can never mind this post but for those who are interested, I just found a second training service by another GM that addresses all of the other subtleties of the London system. It’s all on so you should have no problem finding

I better recommend a new book which was written in 2021:

The London System in 12 Practical Lessons: Strategic Concepts, Typical Plans and Tactical Themes by Oscar de Prado


Just seeing the list of contents make one comfortable that it's the right resource

One way to use this website, is to search the lines in the explorer, it shows you the typical responses that would be made in higher level games.