
looking for chess coach

I’m playing friends around 600 ELO and haven’t found a formula that will help me with so many different personalities. Not looking for a magic bullet, just looking for guidance.

To most of my students, I give this advice (and it's all they need):

The biggest reason people struggle in lower-level chess is because of blunders. They make them in almost every game.

A mistake can instantly put you in a bad position, no matter how well you played earlier: if you had great opening knowledge, great positional skills, great endgame skills, whatever; a single mistake can change everything (you lose a piece or get checkmated).

So, how do you avoid blunders? Follow these two simple steps:

1. After your opponent moves, think if it's dangerous. Ask yourself, “What’s his idea?”
2. Before you make your move, think if it's safe. Ask yourself, “What attacking replies can he play?”

If you feel like getting to levels like 1600, 1800, or 2000 in chess is super hard, let's look at it in a different way. Those players you're facing make blunders in nearly every game they play. Beating them isn't so tough if you stop making big mistakes and start using their slip-ups to your advantage.

Again, it does not require you to become a chess nerd or spend all your time on chess. Just doing this one thing can boost your rating by a few hundred points right away.

I’m playing friends around 600 ELO and haven’t found a formula that will help me with so many different personalities. Not looking for a magic bullet, just looking for guidance.

Hi there Brent (I assume).

The truth is that there isn't really one singlular formula or secret which will make you a great chess player. chess is one of the most complicated games there is and it's the reason why most won't even get much beyond the rules. I tell all my students that the only thing I ask of them is dedication and passion everything else will fall into place with the proper guidance. The fact that you're on a forum looking for a coach says that you care about the game and if you keep that up then you will go far. I don't charge much for coaching as I do it for the enjoyment of the process more than anything and I'll always throw in a free trial session for those who are unsure. Feel free to shoot me a message we can talk more about coaching if you'd like. If not no worries man and I wish you the best.


I’m playing friends around 600 ELO and haven’t found a formula that will help me with so many different personalities. Not looking for a magic bullet, just looking for guidance.

You can contact me for more info happy.png

I’m playing friends around 600 ELO and haven’t found a formula that will help me with so many different personalities. Not looking for a magic bullet, just looking for guidance.

if you want I can analyze your games and give you tips on them, and also a good doc sheet that may or may not help you in getting better (if you want). This is free, so can't hurt too much.


I’m a free coach get on my program



I'm a coach. Feel free to contact me for coaching services.

Good luck!