


Sicilian Defense - Sidelines. A free course by FM Lord_Stronghold

How to counter the sidelines. I didn't actually look at it, but it looks promising. In the headline it says it covers the Smith Morra, Grand Prix, and Alapin, my hope is that it covers the McDonnell Attack as well, or you're kinda forced to play a Tal Gambit, which is a good gambit - Kasparov played it too, but.. I don't like to be pushed around.


Maybe this one's also good. I didn't see it yet. made by a NM.



Short & Sweet: King's Indian Defense - a free course By GM Gawain Jones

I saw it, it covers the lines that they might try against you, including Samisch, Averbakh, Semi-Averbakh, h3 (he says it's a Karpov idea), and much more.


I recommend the "Karpov System" against the King's Indian Defense:


Winning even though my tactics suck - proof of a good opening:

Losing tactics - Winning opening


I don't base that on one lousy (5+5) victory, but mostly, on the free chessable course by GM Jones on the K.I.D - where it seems like he has the most problems with it. I believe the moment your horsy arrives safely on g3 (and the g pawn is on g4 of course) you're basically already winning.