
1.e4 f5 : me and my oversized ego vs all of you


I implicitly claimed here to be able to beat any computer with the white pieces after 1.e4 f5.

I think it would be fun to test my brag, so here is the thing : fire all your computers, ask your GM cousin, and consult between you to play the black pieces. I will be playing White, without looking at your analysis (I promise).

EDIT (01/06/14) : ...and the bragging is righteously punished - White resigns at move 17, the position being losing enough not to want to go on with the slaughter. Go here, post 415 to have the full game.

EDIT (15/05/14) : this game is not supposed to prove anything about the position. It seems obvious to me that computer vs computer will score an easy 1-0, whereas me vs computer in the regular starting position will score an easy 0-1.

I am not using computer assistance nor looking at the computer lines given here, except for determining which move has the preference. If you wish to offer some analyze, put it in white text or diagram form.

If you post in that thread, please be courteous towards other posters, or I might ban you without a warning. You are allowed to use shakespearean insults freely, if you really need to express something of the kind, but no rage.


I will start by the surprising 2.exf5.


This should be interesting. Houdini plays 2...Nf6.


My computer suggests g5! which develops the pawn and allows the bishop to fianchetto on g7. The h5-e8 diagonal is weakened, but thats only a minor problem! After g5!, the f4 and h4 squares are controlled by black and black is better -+ good game well played

My computer is so smart right?


2. .... Nf6 (Stockfish, recent variant)


I like Nf6. (No engine, just me).


2. ... Nf6 (Fritz 6)

Logical, it blocks the pawn as well as Qh5+.


Too bad one can't have vote chess against the computer.


Oh, but we can try...............


If he's not reading analysis I guess we should post a board.


Since no other serious suggestion has been made, I guess ...Nf6 is your move.

My answer is 3.d4, and I will leave it to you for the night.


How about d5.


Yep my houdini likes d5 as well.


Stockfish likes 3. .... d5.


What about a wing gambit like ...g6!?

...I know, I know, the engines all hate it. I just thought it would be cool...


i go 3...b6


I would play Nc6


Money on Houdini, sorry IT.


Duras Gambit or Fred, a weak gambit, white has the iniative.


Stockfish gives 3. ..d5


My money's also on Houdini. I'd give IM level as a very, very cautious upper bound for the level of chessplayer I'd stand a chance against as White here. Houdini? No chance!

Lol @ the thread title though!