
A02/03: Bird's opening: PSCC classification


Look here for the PSCC classification of A01 openings:

I consider openings with 1000+ master games in the Local Explorer. peshka.png There are few Bird's master games, so here the classification is very easy.

PSCC hierarchy names:

2F+ Bird's hierarchy

2Fc+ Sicilian Bird

2Fd+ Dutch Bird

2Ec+ Sicilian hierarchy

2EFc+ Sicilian: McDonnell (Grand Prix) subhierarchy


Longest lines with 1K+ master games:

1. f4 d5 2. Nf3 g6 2Fd1g Dutch Bird

1. f4 d5 2. Nf3 Nf6 2Fd+ Dutch Bird

1. f4 d5 2. e4 2EFc+ Sicilian: McDonnell subhierarchy



This gives a transition from Bird's to Sicilian. peshka.png


I'm looking for an alternative to eco classification. I want a tool to automatically classify games in a logic way, without having to do is manually.