
Attacking and Aggressive Opening against d4 with Black.


Hi all !

What is the attacking/aggressive line/opening for black against 1.d4?

As white i play Ruy Lopez, The Italian game, Kings gambit and Scotch gambit.

Recently i play with black against d4 The Modern Benoni (2...e6; 3...c5). What i dont like is my opponent playing 4.dc ... and after 4...Bxc5 5.Nf3 0-0 6.e4 is not interesting position for me to play. I think its equal.

And the second moment - after The Modern Benoni (2...e6; 3...c5) OTHER opponent plays 4.e3 and for me its a little bit annoying, because i want to play The Modern Benoni not the QGD Tarrasch Defense (I think so) or something like that. :/

Now i want to play something forcing, aggressive, attacking, active against d4.

Should i play ,for example, The Budapest Gmbit, Albin counter-gambit, etc. ?

So... I want to hear all your suggestions!

Thank you! Laughing


The first thing to understand is that any opening can be agressive, forcing, attcking, active, etc.


I suggest you watch the Saint Louis Chess club videos on YouTube about the modern Benoni, search for "Modern Benoni is no Baloney", great videos


I play a the scotch gambit, french defence, philidor lion ane the Benoni, what do you play as black against e4?


I prefer the benoni or benko or blumenfeld  gambits. The budapest and albin work well if you know a lot of theory in bullet/blitz not sure about longer time controls though. I would go for more solid lines with the QGD, slav or nimzo / bogo indian. 


Gotta love the King's Indian..


There is no way to soundly force aggression. The Grunfeld probably leads to the highest percentage of tactical games with aggressive play by Black, but, for example, against the fianchetto variation (uh hm, what I play as White), Black must be patient, and over extending too early will lead to a sure-fire death! That death may be more like a cancer than a bullet to the head, but death is death!


Grunfeld or KID (assuming you want a good opening and not some crap like the Budapest). 


How about the Dutch? I don't play it.....but it could be an aggressive opening.Not sure though


I will recommend the semi slav. It's aggressive, sound,fun, if White plays passively you can get a small plus and it's part of the repertoire of two modern world champions-Kramnik and Anand. What more could you want? 


Black Knights Tango for me, or the Chigorin Defence 


Try killer dutch dvd by Simon Williams


Indeed. For once, I actually agree with Thrillerfan. 1 d4 openings lend themselves to being closed. Nothing to see there as far as black goes. Opening oneself to insane aggression is not recommended.

Dutch, either stonewall or classical. Gives you a good grip of e4 and often lots of attacking chances on the kingside.

Grüenfeld is your best choice. Everyone expects you to play a King's Indian, but then you hit them with d5





KID, always dangerous!