
Beating the Kings indian Attack with an early e5 Thrust!


I get these kind of positions fairly frequently. When white doesn't take the e5 pawn, black gets into a favorable reveresed French Structure., 


ok and if white takes the pawn?

4...e5 5.Nxe5 and 5.dxe5 Ng4 6.Bg5 and black is busted...

This is not king's indian attack though, it is fianchetto system vs king's indian defence, where black can prepare e5 with d6-Nbd7-e5.

KIA is defined with d3 and e4 at some point, not with d4.


U are just a pawn down for nothing.

Of course u can hope your opponent is dumb but then u can play good chess instead and it will work better than this crap.

Just a pawn for nothing, analyzing this is losing time.


This is my favourite against King Indian Attack.

It works quite well in bullet/ blitz around my rating range.

8.......Qh5 ( unexpected sneaky move)

There are ways to defend but people can't think good response in time pressure.


vizIIsto wrote:

Yes but imagine your opponent is dumb and does not see dxe5.

He moved in .1 seconds...or should we say premoved.



Ah , you are right. Opponent did premove.

Very risky trick in blitz. A good one in bullet though.