
Been working on a h6 response to d4. What do you think of this opening?


meteologist i agree a bit because its not a developing move nor fighting for the center, on the other side you are not creating weaknesses in the center and leave white a little bit guessing what you do with your king (leave it in the center?!)

Its is a viable option if your normal repertoire is "too drawish" lol


Wow this thread has got active again. I see some posts in the past hr after what 10 days or so. Yeah for the record, I realised its not a great opening and have given it up. I have gone back to Nf6, but I am having another trouble.


I get a very good pawn chain going, but kill my own white sq. bishop as it is trapped behind the pawn chain.


Of course this is not an exact position in every game, but the strong pawn chain coupled with my bishop becoming useless is a common theme, with a little variation on where the rest of the pieces are.
I don't know what to do with the white sq bishop in such scenarios. Its important to play Bb7 as is keeps me from hanging the rook if white decides to break the pawn chain with b3.
However apart from that the bishop is totally useless. Of course if white play c4 then I don't get the pawn chain, but for some reason I have been able to get the pawn chain going most games.
Also I have not really been focused on chess playing mostly at work and have dropped around 200 points in the past week or so. Will try to get back to playing when I am more free and see how things work.
I am starting to realise though that d4 is one opening that I hate. happy.png

so why do you push c4 if you realize your shutting yourself in that B on a6 could prevent white from castling and maybe you can exchange it for another minor

testaaaaa wrote:

so why do you push c4 if you realize your shutting yourself in that B on a6 could prevent white from castling and maybe you can exchange it for another minor

            Bingo !! changing your bad  bishop for his good-one. Now if the OP  compares  the dark squared Bishops  whites queen-bishop lockdown is a long term weakness  as long as black maintains suffient control over (e4) and aggressively attacks Queen-side which is were your Space advantage lays.