
Black against d4

What would be a good opening against d4 when you play taimanov/kan against e4?

There are many good defenses against 1 d4: Queen's Gambit Declined, Queen's Gambit Accepted, Slav Defense, Nimzovich Indian Defense, Grünfeld Indian Defense.


I mean the England Gambit would have to be the best at your level. I was 1200 and it got me to 1500 in 3 months bc of it. Number 1. You will always be up a pawn, two your opponents have to play PERFECTLY to get you and not to many people know counters. For example I was in a OTB Against a 1900 and beat him with the 1. D4 E5 and went thinking this is the best opening! It's not super good once you hit 1700+ but at least get to 1700 then think of something

PhiliShell wrote:
What would be a good opening against d4 when you play taimanov/kan against e4?

There isn't really anything similar to the Kan or taimanov, but generally those tend to be more flexible than say, the Najdorf with ...e5 where you have fixed pawns. So 1...d5 defenses may not be best. At the same time, the Taimanov does not burn bridges like say, the Dragon, and so the Grunfeld, Benoni, and Leningrad Dutch are ill advised.

Probably your best bets are the Nimzo-Indian or Classical Dutch. The Classical Dutch is far more fluid than the Stonewall.

I am just the opposite. I play for a more rigid center and play on the wings. French and Stonewall Dutch, just to give a comparison, whereas someone else I know who plays the opposite extreme plays the Alekhine against e4 and the Grunfeld and Leningrad against d4.