
Do you play Sicilian ? Be aware of Wing 🪽 Gambit

The wing gambit is a spicy 🔥 and dynamic opening that can lead to interesting positions. I would say it isn't to sharp,but playing it without any practice could lead to problems. It goes 1E4 C5 A3 Sc3 and B4 Good luck and have fun exploring the ideas of the Wing Gambit !

its not a great opening if black knows what hes doing

just play a better variation


It is a bit like Benkö Gambit reversed. You gambit a wing pawn, that is not as bad as a central pawn. You can also dely it one move: 2 Nf3 and only 3 b4.

tygxc wrote:

It is a bit like Benkö Gambit reversed. You gambit a wing pawn, that is not as bad as a central pawn. You can also dely it one move: 2 Nf3 and only 3 b4.

it has nothing to do with the benko gambit and doesnt even play like a benko. Just because you gambit a wing pawn does not make it similar.



It leaves open a- and b-files just the same, and Bc1 coming to a3 is similar too. The main difference is Bf1.
There is also some similarity with the Evans Gambit: b4 is sacrificed to facilitate d4.


Not one of the harder gambits to prepare against. Just take the pawn and play d5. If you know that you can typically figure out the details over the board.

Doesn't remind me much of the Benko, since Wing Gambit positions typically become very open. The Benko is atypical for a gambit in the way Black chooses to keep the center closed.


Classic trash gotham chess gambit

AngryPuffer wrote:

its not a great opening if black knows what hes doing

just play a better variation

I' ve never played the wing gambit, but after 2. a3 g6 I would go for a kind of Morra 3.d4. White lost a tempo (a3) ,but on the other hand the fianchetto is not the best set Up for Black.



"Just take the pawn and play d5. "
++ That would be an argument to dely the gambit: 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 b4


"a kind of Morra 3.d4"
The Morra Gambit is less sound than the Wing Gambit, as it gambits a central pawn instead of a wing pawn.

tygxc wrote:


"Just take the pawn and play d5. "
++ That would be an argument to dely the gambit: 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 d6 3 b4


"a kind of Morra 3.d4"
The Morra Gambit is less sound than the Wing Gambit, as it gambits a central pawn instead of a wing pawn.

Perhaps, but the Mora is scarier to play against. I’ve never gotten blown off the board in a Wing Gambit. In the Mora, Black is objectively doing well, but the path is rather narrow.


Id say the morra is more sound than the wing gambit. With the morra you have actual compensation and black has to know what hes doing in order to survive. With the wing gambit black can just cover 1-3 lines and get a better position each time.

also the delayed morra with 2.a3 g6 3.d4 is just a waste of tempo and black should be better

2. a3 Sicilian(mengarini) is so fun and is similar to the wing gambit. I highly recommend it.


"the Mora is scarier to play against."
++ Yes, the Morra is scarier, but the Wing Gambit offers a more persistent compensation.

"Id say the morra is more sound than the wing gambit."
++ No, the Morra is less sound, as the wing gambit only gambits a wing pawn.



When i was playing 1e4 at tournaments and faced the Sicilian, I've used the smith morra gambit many times. And the outcome most of the times was beating the opposition with either a checkmate or a devastating winning of material even when my opponents seemed to play normal moves. The few times where my opponents were ready for it, either they gave the pawn back or i emerged of the opening with a slight disadvantage but with more than enough compensation as i was far better in development and my pieces were active. There is a video where Garry Kasparov himself suggested the smith morra gambit as a sound gambit against the Sicilian in club level. The a3 sicilian is not something to be afraid of. In contrast as someone above said in smith morra black has a narrow path or else he's busted even with playing normal looking moves.



You are rated 1144. Yes, I can believe you beat up many players with the Smith-Morra Gambit, but that says nothing about its soundness. You can get good practical results with many unsound gambits, especially against weaker players, less so against stronger players who know how to defend. If I were forced to play a correspondence game with either Smith-Morra or Wing Gambit, I would chose Wing Gambit.

tygxc wrote:

++ No, the Morra is less sound, as the wing gambit only gambits a wing pawn.

That means the Sicilian wing gambit is more sound than the Marshall gambit in the Ruy Lopez? Because in the Marshall Black sacs a center pawn.



++ A cunning point. The Marshall Attack tries to punish white for playing 8 c3, which obstructs square c3 to develop Nb1.
The Morra Gambit and the Wing Gambit are both Sicilian Gambits.

Smith-Morra at least for me has been very good in terms of results. I regularly crush lower rated players, can beat players around my level more often than I lose, and I do have draws and wins against significantly higher-rated opponents.

Before anyone brings up the rating argument, just know I have not played on in a while seriously (a few games here and there while bored) as I have mostly switched to lichess for play and analysis. My USCF rating is currently 1665 and a recent tournament where I beat an 1800 with Smith-Morra, beat a 1550 and drew an 1850 has not been rated yet.


My over the board rating is 1500 which is something like 1600-1700 here meaning higher rating than 95+% of the players in the website maybe even more. This is a training account for a friend of mine as you can see in the first 10 games of mine. The point as we all here try to give you is that smith morra is a better choice for white
