
Expanding My Repertoire


I currently play these openings with regularity:  Bird, Kings Gambit, Ruy Lopez, Giuoco Piano, Torre Attack, Colle, and Stonewall Attack as White and Scicilian Pelikan, Benko Gambit, Benoni, Dutch Defense, Ruy Lopez, and French Defense as Black.  I'm looking to expand my repertoire by about four or five openings just to have a broader understanding of the game.  Do any of you have recommendations of openings which would fit with the ones I'm already playing?  BTW I like to walk the path less traveled. 


Unless you're just playing many different things to find out what you like, I'd say you're trying to do too much already. Defending 1.e4 with 1...c5, 1...e5, and 1...e6 is a lot for anyone to digest.


I agree with are stretched too thin as it is.  You could study the Ruy Lopez alone for your entire life and still never entirely grasp the opening.  Just pick your favorites and try and learn them inside and out.