
EXPOSE your repertoire

hehe. I got an idea. We all say Our repertoire mad Why We play these variations. Ppl will get to learn what other ppl play and why you wanna play it. Here is mine

I play e4

Vs e5-Italian game- flexible and fun
Vs c5- Grand prix attack- Easy Set-up-based
Vs e6- tarrasch- fun, does not block c-pawn
Vs-c6-fantasy- open f-file and tricky
Vs-d5-main line-only way to punish white
Vs-d6-Austrian attack-Fun-Open f-file
Vs-g6-Austrian attack- fun-open f-file
Vs-Nf6-Four pawns attack- easy and fun
Vs-B6-Main line- only way to punish black
Vs-Nc6-Main Line-only way to punish black

i exposed my repertoire , now its your turn

I play Nf3


man the only thing im exposing is how much time i wasted on learning openings lmao


I play e4:

Against 1... e5:
4. Qxd4 Philidor
Classical Petrov, and
Ruy Lopez:
5. Re1 Berlin
5. Qxd4 Old Steinitz transposition to my Philidor prep
Anderssen (5.d3) sometimes
Martinez (6. d3) sometimes
Modern Mainline (8. h3) sometimes
Pilnik Closed Morphy (8. d3 d6 9. c3) sometimes
Anti-Marshall (9. a4) sometimes

Against 1... c6:
2. Nf3 d5 3. d3 dxe4 4. dxe4 Qxd1+ 5. Kxd1
3... Bg4 4. h3 Bh4 5. g4 Bg6 6. Bg2
4... Bxf3 5. Qxf3 ... 6. Be2 ... 0-0

Against 1... e6:
Boleslavsky Steinitz and Rubinstein.

Against 1... c5:
2. Nf3 but I rarely play the Open (despite the fact that I know a decent amount of it and score well in it)
2... d6 3. c3 Delayed Alapin.
2... Nc6 3. Nc3 e5 4. Bc4 anti-Sveshnikov
2... Nc6/e6 3. Nc3 e6/Nc6 4. Bb5 Rossolimo
2... g6 3. d4 Accelerated Dragon

but I also play d4 and my d4 prep is far more in depth and in breadth so I won't list it all here.

And the less said about Black the better considering I change my repertoire on a whim.

RemovedUsername7492874 wrote:

man the only thing im exposing is how much time i wasted on learning openings lmao



Gothamchsss Eric Rosen and hikaru yt(is my repertoire )

Openings are useless just copy whatever the titled players play

And a couple of queens gambit traps


kings gambit, i like the vienna but it seems too slow and delayed for me

englund and scandinavian

nimzo-indian sometimes


giucco piano, kings indian, englund gambit, italian, giucco piannisimo, london system


My repertoire is very extensive, very in depth, and filled with home made variations.

It would be unthinkable for me to share my homemade novelty lines on random forum.

It would be very difficult for me to share all my lines on simple forum post because I pride myself in having very strong opening preparation.

In addition, I play a lot of lines which can be very tactical and sharp which require extensive opening knowledge to prevent from out right being checkmated or losing.

I have a lot of lines ranging from 10 to 20 moves deep in opening preparation.


I play whatever I feel like at the time


LOL I got downvote!

The hilarious part is I don’t even understand why.

My definition of a repertoire is clearly different vs. yours.

You do realize a high level players repertoire is extremely massive right?


Let me give you an example:

Let me use the OP “Repertoire” as example

OP plays 1.e4 - Lets say the Opponent plays 1…e5

The OP gave description “Italian Game”.

Okay, but that is not correct!

The Italian Game is the following move:

1.e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4

We are not on move 3.

We are on move 1.

A lot of playable moves can happen before white reaches move 3.

For Example:

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3

What does OP do if they play 2…Nf6? Petrov

What does OP do if they play 2…d6? Phildor

What does OP do if they play 2…d5?

What does OP do if they play 2…f6?

What does OP do if they play 2…Bd6?

What does OP do if they play 2…Qf6?

You can’t really say your playing Italian Game against all the above.

For not serious games, I play 1.e4
Against 1.e5, vienna gambit - extremely cheap and easy to win with
Against 1.d5, blackmar-diemer gambit - very cheap and gives a lot of attacking chances
Against 1.c6, 1.Nc6 and 1.e6 I play the advanced variation since I play these openings as black so I know how to counter their sharpest weapon
Against hypermoderns i use the 250-attack setup(d4,e4,f3,qd2,be3) which allows me to penetrate their defences with ease.
For more serious games tho, I open 1.e3 as white and 1.e6 as black, then go for either french or queens indian type of setup based on what they do. Reason being that I feel extremely good in these types of setups

Me as white: E4 E5 Nc3 (vienna game) E4 C5 c3 ( alapin) E4 C6 D4 D5 F3 ( fantasy variation) Other things i just follow chess principals As black : Always caro kann against e4 Nimzo indian or King indian defense against d4 ( depends on the opponent)


e4, Italian, Open Sicilian, Advance french, Nc3 caro, be3 setups against modern and brothers.

against e4 - accelerated dragon

against d4 - king's indian


Nf3 and Sicilian


As white I always play the Vienna and I am comfortable playing with almost all the variations ( Falkbeer, Mieses, Max Lange, Main Line, Paulsen, Hromodaka variation etc)

Against the Caro Kann, I play the Panov variation (If I feel like it sometimes I play the Fantasy Variation instead.)

Against the Scandinavian, I always play the Blackmar Diemer.

Against the Sicilian, I play the Alapin (Ain't going through that theory) or maybe the Mengarini variation if I am feeling feisty.

As Black I know way too many openings for someone at my rating.

I do sometimes play the Caro kann and I usually play the Botvinnik Carls Variation after my opponent plays the Advance variation (which is 80% of the time)

Against the Queen's gambit, I play the Albin Countergambit.

Against the Ruy Lopez, I play the Jaesnich gambit

Against the Italian, I play the Rosseau gambit (extremely similar to the Vienna gambit check it out if you play the vienna)

Against the French, I've been looking at playing the rarely seen Steiner variation. Although I still mostly play the Chigorin variation.

Against the Pirc, I love playing the Austrian variation.

Against the Vienna, I just play the main line. ( A lot of Vienna players don't know how to play the main line correctly.

Against the Ponziani, I play the Ponziani Countergambit (kinda dubious but it works)

Against the English, I play the Great Snake variation


Albin Countergambit vs the Queen's Gambit


if you want a higher rating, I suggest that you don't play gambits

Thepasswordis1234 wrote:

if you want a higher rating, I suggest that you don't play gambits

eh I play gambits all the time that advice should be reserved for 2900+ even then they play gambits o think that's more of a style of play thing


I mostly play the gambits only during blitz.

And I don't play gambits that give me a losing position when my opponent knows what they're doing