
How to handle Cordel's gambit in the Ruy?


This defence is rarely used by the Black players, but IMO as White I found it very unpleasant to play against this (actually I wasn't prepared at all for this, and finding good moves for White OTB with only limited time available is very hard):

I'm wondering who is better in the final position of this variation. White is up a pawn (for the moment), but their ugly pawn structure looks like in the long run they will actually be down a pawn, and also White's uncastled king seems to be a disadvantage for White. Anyways, White's forces are not well coordinated, especially their Rook g2 seems to be in a suspicious position. The only plus for White may be their bishop pair, but Black's structure seems to be solid enough that White's bishops won't find targets for attack easily.

I'm wondering where White could've played better to avoid this desastrous endgame, because IMO Black is better here.

So what is the correct way for White to deal with this 'improved' version of the Schliemann's Gambit?


Just at a glance......  I like White here. Better development, blacks pieces are passive. White has the bishop pair as well as open g-file bearing down on blacks king which is already under the hot seat.

For white I see 2 plans. 1 is to develop the knight, double rooks and try to increase pressure, however that may give black time to get some pieces out make white's exposed king uncomfortable.

Second plan, which I like, is f6 immediately.

A continuation idea

Thanks for your input, if this ever happens to me again I'll try the line you suggested with 5.d4.

Now after 7.Nxe5 Bd6 this seems to be a trap for White (looks like an invitation for 8.Qh5? g6 9.Nxg6 Nf6! 10.Qh4 Rg8! -> Black will regain the pawn (Rxg2) and have an edge due to their better development).


However, instead of 8.Qh5? maybe White should castle (8.0-0) But here it is Black who has both the bishop pair, some serious attacking chances on White's king (thanks to their advanced e-pawn which prevents White from having a defensive knight on f3). I'll keep on studying this line (from White's perspective), although - sadly - there are hardly any master games where this variation was played. It seems to be more dangerous for White than I had expected. Maybe a very underrated Black weapon against the Ruy, where it is White, who has to fight for equality (not Black, as it's common in other variations of the Ruy).

Or so it seems to me, but as you saw I tend to judge my positions maybe to pessimistically.

Thanks for your tipps.

P.S. Here an amazing example how quickly White can be 'dead' in the 8.Qh5 variation:


Don't play the ruy...


Lol the Ruy if for people who like learning 20 moves of theory to draw... You gotta be joking


ruy drawish? ok can you tell me which opening you recommend instead?:)


About anything else, bishop's, scotch, italian, I even use the parham in blitz games.

The_Gavinator wrote:

Lol the Ruy if for people who like learning 20 moves of theory to draw... You gotta be joking

Ruy lopez isnt drawish. 


can you show me one of those drawish positions in the ruy lopez?


Are you guys kidding? The Ruy is about the only closed game you can play after e4 e5.