
Is Ben Finegold as big a jerk as he seems in his videos?


Gee whiz "BOT"......Lighten up! You don't know me at all and are now claiming no amount of evidence is acceptable to me and would I like to wager on Ben's actions....Are you serious? First off,I really don't care about all this and was just innocently chiming in because I felt "maybe" Ben was getting a bad rap.He comes off as funny and slightly sarcastic in his videos and puts up with a lot of dumb input from the streaming chat messages....Like yours,here!

Like I'm really invested enough to accept a wager from you on this...Please! I thought I was being polite and you want to take it to another level...Lie down and get a good nights sleep...You'll feel better.


A bunch of posts from this morning in this thread magically disappeared.  


I wouldn’t call myself a fan or an anti-fan of Ben Finegold.  I don’t like his political insults, but I generally find his sarcasm amusing and find his YouTube videos instructional.  He mentioned this thread on one of his yt videos a few days ago, wondering why leaves this thread up.  I’ve wondered that, myself.


Yes,it should be locked down. Sheesh!

magictwanger wrote:

With all due respect,where is the "actual evidence"?I for one am no fanboy,but I fail to see where all this Ben vitriol comes from.If it exists,where can I be witness to it? Admittedly,I have only viewed his videos.

Actually try being with him in the same room once. Like I had the displeasure of doing, about 25 years ago.

varelse1 wrote:
magictwanger wrote:

With all due respect,where is the "actual evidence"?I for one am no fanboy,but I fail to see where all this Ben vitriol comes from.If it exists,where can I be witness to it? Admittedly,I have only viewed his videos.

Actually try being with him in the same room once. Like I had the displeasure of doing, about 25 years ago.

For some reason I get the sense that he felt the same.


TheRealBlueSwan, Ben makes political insults all the time, and in one of his most famous streams, was making abortion jokes. Is this good for the 7 year olds in the class?


magictwanger, I just spoke about matter-of-fact details, so no "dumb comments." You tried to challenge people here, implying they were liars. That's acting in bad faith. Anyway, we know how fat, stupid, toxic, and nasty bad teeth Ben Finegold is. The only good news is that he won't make it 5 more years because he isn't smart enough to understand nutrition or disciplined enough to stop eating so much. So at least we'll be done with his gross nastiness soon.


OK,so now I tried to challenge people here?Um,where did I do that?Man! Are you taking things out of context! I "never" meant anything other than feeling "maybe" Finegold was getting a bad rap,because I saw no evidence from any of his videos.All I did was to ask if any evidence existed...Simply from a curiosity stand point....That's it! Moving forward,I don't care to further the discussion with you,because you come off as simply way too emotional and defensive.....Good bye.


So, Bot4ker encouraged physical violence against Feingold at least 3 times.  I pointed that out and suggested that people report him., instead of doing something about this troll, made my posts disappear!

Its as if is encouraging this sort of rhetoric and and abusive language that is clearly against forum guidelines.  This is a thread with no other purpose than to attack and smear Ben Feingold.  It is crazy that still keeps it open, and not only that, but deletes posts that don't go with the flow of vile insults.  

BTW check out Bot4kers profile.  He doesn't even play chess.  He's a loser troll only here to stir up shit.  


My favorite thing about Ben is how he has to mention hes a vegetarian in almost every video like it has done him alot of good.


I know this is an old thread but I love his videos and humor. He got me into chess. I just started playing like 3 months ago. Struggling at 500 elo (yes, I am bad) , watching his content for 3 days, I'm up to 800. I think he is an universal treasure.


Ah, the millennial era, when any harmless joke makes you a "jerk."


Him and his sons videos helped me to gain 360 rating points in 5 months, these crybabies are so worried about all the wrong things, it's ridiculous. 


and you are soooo perfect right? shut up crybaby! He apologized for it get over it.


I am one of Ben's fans. 


I was looking forward to playing him in a simul at the National Open, unfortunately he canceled because of a family emergency.


if you had been watching his streams you would know that he had been cheated several times in the past few streams, which were verified by, he was having a bad night that night and said it felt like he was being cheated again, whooptie dooo, crybabies like you blow up minuscule comments and try to create drama, focus on chess and shut the hell up already.


waahhhhhh cry me a river try focusing your energy on chess instead of judging others hypocrite, you are crying because Ben wrongfully judged your hero in a moment in time yet you continue to judge Ben for this error? durr durr durr wake up drama queen you are exactly what you are crying about!


No you don't, so now you are a liar as well as a hypocrite mr. 2169 bullet rating no title having crybaby