
King's Indian "Attack" as white; Does anyone else play it?

blueemu wrote:

King's Indian Defense is for Black. King's Indian Attack is for White.

Thank u very much blueemu. I appreciate ur precise reply.


Here's a recent KIA training game of mine:


The KIA was the first opening I learned from a used bookstore find. The book was perfect for me at the time because I had fairly good tactical skills but I would sometimes end up a piece down because of the Gambit bandits and this book was almost paint-by-numbers how to play the KIA. Every move in the first 15 moves or so was looked at and then themes and KIA traps were shown as well. It gave me a solid foundation for learning my first opening. I played that opening for about 5 years straight and won a lot.

The book is long gone (it was falling apart before I left the bookstore) and I can't possibly remember the title or author, sorry.

I will generalize: if you are looking for an opening that is quite solid (safe) to beat back the gambit piggies, this is pretty good. Often white gets set up in a fairly flexible but over protected position and then attacks a)kingside, b)queenside or c)battering ram down the middle with 2 or 3 pawns, depending on the weaknesses of black's setup.

Go for it!

Bunny_Slippers_ wrote:

Go for it!

Got it ☺.
Thanks 4 the details.


  When people say "Kings Indian" or "KID" they are referring to the King's Indian Defense played by Black, which came first historically, becoming accepted in the mid-1930s.

During the 1950s the KIA arose. The first few moves of the KID being played by White and called the "King's Indian Attack". It is actually an outgrowth of the Reti Opening when e4 is played instead of c4 and it is classified as part of the Reti family by ECO. They are similar but different. The KIA is characterized by a king-side attack while in the Reti Opening most of the action is on the queenside.

To become even more confused I suggest you click on the link below and play through some of the games to become somewhat familiar with the variation of the KIA.


blueemu wrote:

Here's a recent KIA training game of mine:

Very nice game! 


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Thanks for that explanation of Fischer's remark, which I have been trying to understand recently.


i am pretty comfortable playing KID as black, can someone explain to me why i should just play KIA as white and get similar (or better) winrates?

in other words, can someone explain why isnt KIA just KID with an extra tempo?