
King's Indian Main Ideas

I have been looking into the King's Indian against 1.d4 and everything else other than 1.e4. I would like to know the different ideas. I have some questions you could use as a guide to answer this question. 1) Should Black go for a closed position or closed position? 2) Should he push a second pawn to try to attack the opponent's centre if white pushes the d4 pawn to d5 when you attack it? 3) Should Black go for a King side pawn storm and how? 4) If yes to the previous question, what if white castles queenside?

Another question I have is where black should place his pieces and how to do the f5 pawn break


The KID is too complex to simplify down so easily.

Closed or Open? There are good lines of both types in most variations.

Should you attack d5 with e6 or c6 after they push when provoked by c5 or e5? It depends, in c5 positions you either play for a b5 pawn break or an e6 pawn break, in e5 positions you usually want to play for an f5 pawn break.

Kingside pawn storms are situational. Again, in e5 positions since you're usually playing for the f5 break anyways it can be beneficial sometimes.

If White castles long in the KID, something has gone awry, and typical KID plans and ideas will likely fail.

Where pieces go? Depends.

How to break with f5? Play e5 followed by f5 at some point.


If your going to play/study the KID, you should start with the above position.

It is the Classical Line. You will face it a lot more vs. other side line options.

The main Classical move is for White to Castle.

If White does Castle, Black has the option to take d4 pawn or add more attackers to d4 pawn.

The EX-World Champion Tigran Petrosian didn’t like giving Black the option of taking on d4 and opening the position. He use to play d5 instead of castling.


The point I am trying to make is Black can’t really play an open position if White doesn’t allow it, but Black can in the Classical line if they want too.
This should answer your 1st question on whether or not Black can play closed or open.


Normally, Black plays in the center when the pawns in the center are not locked up.
If the pawns still have chances of trading off, Black needs to focus playing in the center.

When White plays d5, the center becomes locked and no pawns can be traded any more.

At that point, Both side (White & Black) begin playing on the wings. This is when black tries to play f5 and on flank.

The above should answer your #2 & #3 questions.

‘I’ll try to answer other questions later when I have more time.


As stated in Post #3, the KID is far too complex and varied for it to be reduced to a set of rules. Black can end up playing on either flank, or in the center... depending on what White does.

Here's a semi-closed game where Black's play was on the Queen's side, not on the King's side.



"1) Should Black go for a closed position or closed position?" ++ Closed.

"2) Should he push a second pawn to try to attack the opponent's centre if white pushes the d4 pawn to d5 when you attack it?" ++ No.

"3) Should Black go for a King side pawn storm and how?" ++ Yes. ...f5, ...f4, ...g5, ...g4

"4) If yes to the previous question, what if white castles queenside?" ++ The king's side pawn storm only starts after white plays O-O. There are some variations where white plays O-O-O, like the Sämisch Variation. Then black can launch a queen's side pawn storm with ...c6, ...a6, ...b5 etc.


"where black should place his pieces and how to do the f5 pawn break" 
++ Here is an example of what black wants:


Attacks don't NEED to be aimed at the King, anyway.

They are just harder to ignore when aimed at the King.