
Pirc defense against Austrian attack

LoveYouSoMuch wrote:
robotjazz wrote:

@Green castle, thanks for sharing that game here. I'm going to review it more when I get back from work, but there are some very interesting things to look at.Quick question, on move 19 why not Bxh6 to gain the pawn at f6?

quick answer- it looks way too materialistic, you only get a doubled pawn which pretty much isn't worth anything in the situation, and suddenly the black bishop is very alive...
and, well, c2 is hanging too, so it's not a very productive endeavour.

greencastle should be able to answer better :P

Thank you very much and I see what you mean-very good point. I'd like to thank everyone for commenting here because your comments have been very insightful. @TitanCG, I didn;t even see that from your last diagram- excellent postSmile I plan on looking for some master games that fit this forum after work today-I work 3rd shift lately. Later everyone

LoveYouSoMuch wrote:
robotjazz wrote:

@Green castle, thanks for sharing that game here. I'm going to review it more when I get back from work, but there are some very interesting things to look at.Quick question, on move 19 why not Bxh6 to gain the pawn at f6?

quick answer- it looks way too materialistic, you only get a doubled pawn which pretty much isn't worth anything in the situation, and suddenly the black bishop is very alive...
and, well, c2 is hanging too, so it's not a very productive endeavour.

greencastle should be able to answer better :P

Thanks LoveYou :-p

Yeah I didn't even consider that capture.  White gives up his only remaining bishop for a N on the edge of the board, leaving Black with 2 bishops against White's zero? You'd have to have a death wish.

Here's the rest of the game based on the video.
Nice idea Titan on matching the video with the game score.

A "defender" is one who wards off attacks and guards against assault.  It is also one who maintains, proves, and supports by argument and evidence, the validity of a theory in the face of criticism.

The Black Defenders of Pirc Castle are a 25-member Black opening group pledged to uphold the Pirc Defense.  Our motto: "Nos Defendere Castellum" ("We Defend This Castle").  A Black Defender must: a) play the Black side of the Pirc Defense; b) be rated at least 1750 in a playing category; c) be willing to actively participate in Team Vote Chess games; d) be 18 years or older; e) agree to abide by the "Chess Code of Chivalry".  Our first Vote Chess game is scheduled to begin November 2013.  If you are qualified, why not apply to join?  If you are currently not qualified, you are welcome to join our larger, older sibling group the [Pirc Defense Group]. 

Click the Pirc Castle to apply.


can anyone help me studyin pirc defense from scratch


It seems that when I play this with white, black equalizes pretty quickly in all variations, I struggled to find any way to keep even a small edge. Maybe white is overextended a bit here..


Is that like the German, Bavarian Gambit variation


There is a Fischer-Benko game board and play demonstartion. This is pretty far down in the blog.

For the life of me, I don't see how this is a win for Fischer.  Any comment?