
OPENING PRACTICE - Sicilian Defence - Classical - Black


In response to the popular "e4" opening move by White, Black has many responses, one of which is the Sicilian Defense.  The following puzzle will allow you to practice and memorize the Sicilian Defense that will lead into a variation known as the "Classical" variation. 

It is the fifth move by Black that creates the "Classical" variation.  Other moves that Black can make as his fifth move move lead into other variations such as the "Najdorf", "Dragon" or "Sheveningen" variation. 

It should be noted, that in the "Classical" variation of the Sicilian Defence, that the Ne6 move by Black, could be played as the second move instead of the fifth and the same postition would still be achieved.

Try the "Classical" variation of the Sicilian Defence again, but this time, play Ne6 as your second move and you will see that it ends in the same postition.






Links to other Opening Practice Puzzles

Sicilian Defense - Najdorf Variation - Black

Sicilian Defense - Najdorf Variation - White

Sicilian Defense - Dragon Variation - Black

Sicilian Defense - Classical Variation - Black

Queen's Gambit - Declined 1 - White

Queen's Gambit - Declined 2 - White

King's Gambit - Accepted - White

Fried Liver Attack 1 - White

Fried Liver Attack 2 - White

Fried Liver Attack Defense - Black

Lolli Attack - White

Evan's Gambit Accepted - White






not able to buy the membership plan


thank you so much



hey...take the same to about 10 11 moves

