
Schevendorf and Schevendorf-Matanovic pawn structures


Well, it's characterized  by Scheveningen+Najdorf.  It corresponds to the Dc-pawn exchange, white pawn on e4 and black pawns on a6, d6 and e6. It's typical for the most of both Najdorf and Scheveningen variations, for example:



PSCC (Pawn Structure Classification Code): 6Dc2E1ade, pawn height = 6x2+2+3=17. 


Schevendorf: English variation:



Schevendorf: Opocensky variation:



Schevendorf: Lipnitsky-Sozin variation:




Schevendorf-Matanovic pawn structure is Schevendorf + f4:



PSCC (Pawn Structure Classification Code): 6Dc2EF1adepawn height = 6x2+2x2+3=19. peshka.png

PawnstormPossie wrote:

I think I see what you're trying to do and why.

Bravo that is more than anyone else has.  "Chess Structures"  by Mauricio Flores Rios talks about plans, ideas and concepts can apply in our games. Something Vigor is not able to do. With him more stamp collection chess, hey look at the pretty structure, with meaningless labling,


Yigor wrote:

Well, it's characterized  by Scheveningen+Najdorf.  It corresponds to the Dc-pawn exchange, white pawn on e4 and black pawns on a6, d6 and e6. It's typical for the most of both Najdorf and Scheveningen variations, for example:



PSCC (Pawn Structure Classification Code): 6Dc2E1ade, pawn height = 6x2+2+3=17. 

Yigor wrote: Well, it's characterized  by Scheveningen+Najdorf.  It corresponds to the Dc-pawn exchange, white pawn on e4 and black pawns on a6, d6 and e6. It's typical for the most of both Najdorf and Scheveningen variations, for example:  PSCC (Pawn Structure Classification Code): 6Dc2E1ade, pawn height = 6x2+2+3=17. 


So my "Kids, don't try this at home" game was a Schevendorf? Or maybe a Schevenajdorf?

PawnstormPossie wrote:
TwoMove wrote:
PawnstormPossie wrote:

I think I see what you're trying to do and why.

I'm also known for being wrong...


TwoMove pretends to be a big untitled shot blitz.png and likes to criticize others, but concerning himself, he wrote nothing interesting here in the Opening Forum. peshka.png


Bumping my old thread. peshka.png