
"Sicilian Defense: King David's Opening"


Playing the moves:

  1. e4 c5
  2. Ke2

... results in an opening called "Sicilian Defense: King David's Opening". While this position has a name, it has been never recorded in any master games. How come?


Because Ke2 is a foolish move. Why it is a named opening I don't know.

DeirdreSkye wrote:

You can't understand why 2.Ke2 has never been played?

Note that "K" means king , not knight.White plays his king on e2.



Does that seem reasonable move to you?

That wasn't the question at all, I was asking why the opening is named when no master ever played it. Try looking it up in the explorer.


I believe that GM Hikaru has played this on a number of occasions in online blitz and bullet.


It's usually played by players jokingly trying to play the Bongcloud Opening:

But instead meeting a Sicilian and continuing with the same king move.


At least it's better than the same idea for Black...



Its a trump card to chess that forces to the football variation of chess. You run with your king on the developed side and the first one to get the king to the open back rank yells touchdown and wins. Its more entertaining because with one side only being able to run the queenside and the other the kingside its a race to the finish, whereas with both sides moving their kingside as the offensive line its probably going to be a draw.



Bongcloud????? I guess that is someone's name.






The main move is a joke opening called the bongcloud opening, first joked about by hikaru, and that’s why you see games of his playing it. When met with the Sicilian, the opening has a different name, presumably because it was played for some silly idea before games were recorded


To  answer your question, it is not recorded in any masters games because it is a bad move to play that all but guarantees a loss against someone of equal skill.

To expand on the question, not all named openings are good openings. The Bongcloud and the Fool's Mate are both named openings with "lines", but are objectively bad, losing positions.

nighteyes1234 wrote:

Its a trump card to chess that forces to the football variation of chess. You run with your king on the developed side and the first one to get the king to the open back rank yells [goal] and wins. Its more entertaining because with one side only being able to run the queenside and the other the kingside its a race to the finish, whereas with both sides moving their kingside as the offensive line its probably going to be a draw.


Its the bongcloud but cooler sounding.

Master must be to scared too play it

KingKev52 wrote:

Bongcloud????? I guess that is someone's name.

Yes, if i remember right it's named after a user called Lenny Bongcloud


The benefit of responding to c5 with ke2 is that because the e7 pawn is not developed to e6 Black can't play an immediate counter-bongcloud (Ke7), this puts White ahead in Bongcloud development and they will therefore be at a meme advantage.

Prime example game here, i didn't respond with a counter-bongcloud until move 4 and by then it was too late. Neither my king march into the Bongland or the Botez Gambit provided enough meme to overcome White's timely Bongcloud.



Thanks for this opening! I'm too lazy to learn the game properly so I love playing stupid bs like Chumba Wumba Gambit and Hyperaccelerated Fried Triceratops to get opponents out of theory. Works like a charm!