
Ten moves checkmate by queen sacrifice



So for now you have your own "Immortal game" :) congratulations.

My Immortal is this:


Very nice Queen Sac. senor


Thanks for posting the game WELL-DONE !!  Cool


Thanks, your was nice too.

I used idea of Richard Réti, born in my town 120 years ago.

Réti vs Tartakower (1910), aka "The Sucker Punch".




those are easy mates


Both games are awesome!


Hi832, please, share some of your amazing checkmates that noone will understand with us noobs. Or even better, let me have a game with you, where you can pull off some awesome tricks.

senor_ananas wrote:

Hi832, please, share some of your amazing checkmates that noone will understand with us noobs. Or even better, let me have a game with you, where you can pull off some awesome tricks.

A Noble challenge but you are one of those 1800's types so Hi832 becomes Bye832  Laughing ! After you stomp this guy post it in the forums.  Cool   lol


I have seen all the checkmates here (or very similar).

Power of Chess has a lot of members, but Indian Maraders are the best on vote Chess.  They are good. 
1210 really is not much of a rating.  Not a complete amature though.


7 move checkmate + Queen Sacrifice

senor_ananas wrote:

Hi832, please, share some of your amazing checkmates that noone will understand with us noobs. Or even better, let me have a game with you, where you can pull off some awesome tricks.

im not much lower than you

Hi832 napísal
senor_ananas wrote:

Hi832, please, share some of your amazing checkmates that noone will understand with us noobs. Or even better, let me have a game with you, where you can pull off some awesome tricks.

im not much lower than you

I wrote it 18, EIGHTEEN, months ago. That's year and a half. Meanwhile my son learned to walk, speak, recognize numbers. I finished university and found a job.

It looks like you have improved and waited for such a long time just to respond to my comment. My comment was relevant, again, EIGHTEEN MONTHS ago. Still I think those mates were nice and interesting. I am not saying the most difficult moves to find or the strongest attacks of all time, but your comment at the time was just random.

senor_ananas wrote:

Hi832, please, share some of your amazing checkmates that noone will understand with us noobs. Or even better, let me have a game with you, where you can pull off some awesome tricks.


go ahead, understand why my opponent resigned

want proof? have it:


I think I understand - either after 12..Nxd5 13.Bxd5 Rc8 14.Rc1 d6 15.Rxc6 Qb4+ 16.Qxb4 Bxb4+ 17.Ke2 Kd7 he didn't want to defend the position with a doubled pawn down plus the bishop pair, or he didn't see the best defense.

Or I don't see the best defense..

I just wanted to say that it is clear that you improved a lot and now my comment looks rude. On the other hand I still think your comments #8 and #10 ("that is because you are low rated", which you deleted) was rude at the time.


Some nice checkmates..... These would be some if my favourites to use in tournament matches.... The checkmate from quote 14 is risky, because your opponent could see through your plan and instead take the knight on e5... Then again using your opponents greed against the. Is always a good strategy..


He stole his checkmates from Richard Reti....