
The Fried Fox Attack 1.f3 2.Kf2


Here is a fun opening I play unrated blitz games with

Three recent blitz games

My first with the Fried Fox

After that you wonder how could someone win with this

My first victory with it

After a suprise victory due to a few blunders I play my final game with the fried fox attack can I win two in a row with it?

Yes. Although these games were one threw blunders and mistakes it is easy to make mistakes in blitz

I will post some theory about the fried fox after more blitz games


Would you like to try that against me, or does it only work against 1200's?


Related to Hammerschlag 1.f3 e5 2.Kf2 and good for games starting on April, 1.Laughing


@ deranged sure with an unrated blitz game


If I am playing live chess feel free to challenge me to an unrated game where I play white and tell me you want to play Fried Fox and I will play it with you


Thats a bad opening in my opinionUndecided


Currently I have:

13 games played

6 wins

7 loses

A quick bit of theory

As black there are two main ways to play

Way 1: Build a center and then attack


White can generally hit the d-pawn later but I will post plans for white later

Way 2: Early attack trying to Mate

 I generally like plan 1 as I find as white it's harder to defend against. I have found that most of my games end up with black being a pawn or two up in the endgame.

I will post plans for white and stats on who wins more often with each theory of attacking. I will also post links or diagrams to all of the games I played

It's not that horrible of an opening and was played in a British championship by IM Simon Williams.

7. Nxd5 Scaring the Queen and preparing to fork the King and Rook. As soon as the Queen leaves the e file take the Bishop. It seems like all of the bases are covered in the center, though I cannot say much to the structure. Any way that Black can come out without losing material?


amazing, bet those boys who lost were confused

knightassassin wrote:
It's not that horrible of an opening and was played in a British championship by IM Simon Williams.

 To add to this, Simon Williams also won that game, although it was most likely from a slightly worse position.


Are you still using the Fried Fox?

Timed games are different monsters than correspondance chess. Would you use the Fried Fox in correspondance chess?

How about Vote Chess?


The Fried Fox is 1.e4 e5 2.Ke2 f6. 1.f3 e5 2.Kf2 is the Hammerschlag. I cover the positional power of the Hammerschlag in a topic on the Chess Openings forum. 


I thought that was the Fried Banana.





Even if you do talk a little funny at times. Smile


how dare you disrespect the hammerschlag.

Bongcloud Masters have palyed it u noe?!


I think people play f3 to avoid the conclusion that there are people better in chess than they are. In their mind (and often in chat as well) they say "Yeah I lost but only because i played 1. f3. With a normal opening i would beat you easy"


Play the opening before you judge it. People dismiss it (as it defies standard opening theories) without giving it it's due consideration.