
up to what level can you learn openings just from playing through expert games?

hi. First, context - I've been into chess on and off since the mid-90's but with long layoffs of many years at a time. but over the years I've amassed loads of chess books including many opening ones, but I've realised recently I actually hate reading opening books 😅 find them so dull. recently I much prefer reading through books by (or about) Tigran Petrosian and playing through his games. Mainly (as white) he opened 1.c4 or 1.d4 and often ended up in queen pawn opening positions: Torre attack, QG, Nimzo, queen's Indian, kings Indian, etc. I usually open 1.c4 and don't usually follow up with d4 but it occurred to me that I probably could start playing 1.d4 openings soon but this will be entirely based on what I've picked up from Petrosian's games not from any specific study of the openings or any specific opening books. At my non-master (maybe around 1500 currently) level does that sound reasonable or even around 1500 would it be a disastrous strategy and my opponents would've all read books on their d4 responses and if I am to adopt it I need more specific opening study on it? cheers

Well I wasn't looking to upset anyone by saying I don't like reading opening books - just to check views on whether playing through master games can give enough grounding in openings to play them. Because I genuinely don't know - it could be that at an intermediate sort of level (1500) that is actually fine, or it could be that people think no - it will leave too many gaps, or that d4 theory has moved on too much since the 1960/70s. I mean I could buy books on d4 openings but I know based on the past what's likely to happen - I would skim through them then put them on the shelf and never read them again, probably just using them as occasional references - it's a waste of money. But if the consensus is that it really would be necessary and that's how it is, then that's how it is and I'd need to accept it (and either make myself buy and read some, or not adopt d4)