Vienna only gives white equality. Grandmasters want more.
vienna game
The reason the Vienna is not seen often at higher level is that the the move Nc3 (defending the e4 pawn) is less forcing then Nf3 (attacking the e5 pawn and forcing black to do something about it.
Because white does not attack from the start black has it easier to get counterplay for example in the variations with 1. e4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. f4 d5! and black can equalize in all variations. Other systems (more passive ) give black freedom in development and do not force black to make any consessions to normal development.
Nc3 is not a bad move though the resulting positions can either be wild (after f4) or slow and positional in both cases the better player has plenty of oppertunity to beat a weaker player perhaps even more than a weaker player how is booked up on the russian defence or some other e4/Nf3 answer.

If you play the vienna you probably have to play f4, otherwise you are just playing a 4 knights game after Nf3 and not really a vienna. After f4 d5 it should just be equal. I don't believe in 3. Bc4 unless there is some refutation to Nxe4.

I have heard the FIDE banned the vienna for 2000+ rated players because it is to OP. Is this true because I have a hard time believing it and cant find any articles about it being banned?

I have heard the FIDE banned the vienna for 2000+ rated players because it is to OP. Is this true because I have a hard time believing it and cant find any articles about it being banned?
It is true. FIDE was scared of IM Levy Rozman becoming the GM, so they banned his opening. If not, he would be the GM by now.

Introduction To The Vienna Game & Gambit...

An interesting Vienna Game by 'Danya'.....with post-game analysis...
Master Class | Vienna Game | Chess Speedrun | Grandmaster Naroditsky...
Why is it that its not seen very often at the top level? It seems to be a sound opening. Do grandmasters avoid it for a reason?