
What's your favorite way to crack the French Defense?


I find the Tarrasch works quite well.

Btw, could anyone tell me what Computer analysis ~2200 strength refers to?



it means the computer is analysing your game at the strength of a 2200 player.

If it were running, at say 2400, it would notice more inaccuracies and give you better analysis.

As for the french defense, i dont play e4, but if i did id play the exchange, because i hear french players dislike it.
If you cant crack the defense; crack the person 


Go through Belgium. Just kidding.


This is what I'v been looking for for fore years.

Bob Cat:                                 Surprised


Thank you....Now I wont disspize the French any more.

Smile   Bob Cat:


That's interesting, I was tagged with mistakes, but I had to set the trap. Right? 

I too use the exchange variation. Anything else I run into problems. And get stuck in Belgium.


As a French defence player I don't like meeting the Tarrasch.

You also have some oddball methods that aren't that bad. One is 2. c4!?

Another is 2.Bd3 wth the idea of c3 and Bc2 and arrowing the bishops at black's kside - often transposes to a French advance line. Another is 2. Qe2!? with a transpose to a king's Indian attack. Yet another for gambit minded people is the Reti gambit - 2. b3!? with a  gambit of the e pawn after 2..d5




Bob Cat:

linuxblue1 wrote:

As a French defence player I don't like meeting the Tarrasch.

You also have some oddball methods that aren't that bad. One is 2. c4!?

Another is 2.Bd3 wth the idea of c3 and Bc2 and arrowing the bishops at black's kside - often transposes to a French advance line. Another is 2. Qe2!? with a transpose to a king's Indian attack. Yet another for gambit minded people is the Reti gambit - 2. b3!? with a  gambit of the e pawn after 2..d5

Interesting alternatives to 2. e4


are you arriving at it throuhg a BDG? (based on diagram)
if so the tarrasch and exchange have problems, since you cant use them, due to:

Youre basically forced to play a classical french


I was assuming in my comments 1, e4 and 1..e6.

Yes, if 1.d4 and 1..d5 that does change things.


As a matter of fact I was trying for the BDG. But it turned into the French.


You should also bear in mind with your oder of 1.d4 d5 2. e4 that even a nimzowitsch defence is playable for black via 2...Nc6


yeah, the nimozwitsch, french and caro kann can all be played against it.

Its the reason i dropped the BDG, because I didnt like any of the classical caro/french lines.


I like the winawer and sometimes poisoned pawn french:

Most of the time including Bd3


I agree with the OP and use the Tarrasch variation. In fact, I usually play 1.d4 these days, but against 1...e6 I will always play 2.e4! and if I know they play the French, I will play e4 on move one.


Good way to kill the French is KIA !!


LOL @ Estragon.

I'm involved in a Chatard-Alekhine engine game atm (I'm White Stockfish, Black  player using Houdini) and the position is about even.

Was thinking of giving that a try, mainly because it looks like fun, but it seems Black easily avoids all trouble.

Estragon wrote:

I played the French for 19 years in all sorts of competition - OTB, casual, blitz, correspondence (old-fashioned snail mail) - before switching to the Caro-Kann 20 years ago.

How come you switched to the Caro-Kann after so many years Estragon?  That is quite a bold decision? 

Or maybe it's not after you reach Expert Level? Undecided

Estragon wrote:

I played the French for 19 years in all sorts of competition - OTB, casual, blitz, correspondence (old-fashioned snail mail) - before switching to the Caro-Kann 20 years ago.  But French players are almost a secret society, you never really leave it.  We would get together at tournaments after the last round of the day and lift a few beers (just for the exercise of course) and exchange ideas.

I can tell you flatly that no real French player is afraid of the Exchange Variation.  We laugh at your pathetic impotence. You basically cede any hope of significant opening advantage at move 2 because you are afraid of our powerful opening.  You are nothing but girly-men who regularly soil your panties.

KIA is no more annoyance than a mosquito.  Swat it and move on.  Again, we know early on that you are too lazy or simpleminded to contest the critical lines.  You saw a couple of Fischer games against players 400 points weaker and think you have a solution.  The reality is you have a rubber crutch.  You are worthless and weak.

I don't mean to be insulting, but that's the way true French players regard these cowardly dodges.  If you want respect, be a man and play the classical lines.  Pretend Mommy won't mind if you get your frilly outfit dirty.

quoted for truth.  I have tried learning other openings, but I will never truly leave the french defense.