
The Samuel Reshevesky

if someone would id like to hear everything knowledgeable you have to say about samuel reshevsky. id like to know his repertoire for white and black. id like to know his greatest games. id like to know his lifetime score/rivalry with bobby fischer. id like to know whatever else you have to add and id like it to not be solely from wikipedia or chessbase. id also like to know his theory without doing all of this myself yet. thanks a million you chess playas

Well, nothing on theory or style, but here are some postings I've made regarding Sammy Reshevshy: 




 You might enjoy "Reshevsky's Best Games of Chess". Reshevsky's annotations of his own games are quite instructive and the games are delightful. This book, almost by itself, got me to a 1500 USCF rating. It's out of print, but there are used copies available on Amazon for about $10.

In the early 1980s I saw Reshevsky in Charlotte, NC. I was playing in a weekend Swiss and he gave a simul one evening during the tournament. I didn't participate but watched the old master play. He must have been near 70 years old by then and still finished a 40 board simul with 38 wins and 2 draws. Two things about him that stand out in my memory: he was a very small man, probably an even 5 feet tall, and he had an incredible intensity about him.

Edit: Your post inspired me to get a replacement copy of Reshevsky's book, which had gotten lost somewhere over the years. I had forgotten that he gives a lot of details about his early years (up to the mid-1940s) in the chapter introductions.