


Since Chaturanga is basically modeled on ancient Indian warfare, I don't believe the Alfil elephantry should be significantly weaker than cavalry - also since scholars have the most doubt about that piece's moves, I propose that it should be buffed to also have the moves of the Fez (minister). This change will make it a more valuable as it can now access all squares of its color similar to a regular bishop. If this is unacceptable, then may be have this as optional rule.

Maybe the current Chaturanga should be renamed Shatranj where indeed elephantry did not play as a big a role.

In war a Soldier would not be promoted to a Minister but to a General. So the Minister is in fact  a General. India's highest military decoration, the Param Vir Chakra, has a double Vajra ( The icon for a General could therefore be either a double Vajra or a simple Vajra or a half-Vajra. Search Vajra in images on Duck Duck Go for inspiration. 

The icon representing the King as a crown with a Christian cross is in my opinion in poor taste and historically inaccurate. I do not understand why there were new icons made for the Elephant, Minister and Chariot but not one made for the King. The King was usually from a Suryavanshi (sun dynasty) lineage - so should be represented with a sun cross (Swastika) - but what are the chances of that with the unfortunate connections that it now has in the West.

Anyway I think there should be a way for one to upload their own icon set in a predefined format. I'd be happy to hear any thoughts.


Very interesting. Thanks for posting.