
New review presentation is awfull


There has been no restoration of the opening analysis showing ( wins losses and draws ,number of times opening played)for nonpremium players in the game review?

TossiCheeser wrote:

Long story short: I hate it!

First: it is bloated. The highlights screen doesn't even fit the screen. Scrolling it or reducing the size of the site feels annoying.

Second: once you start a review if you want to see the highlights again you have to exit the review. And on top of that you have to scroll down to the bottom of the move list to do that.

Third: white background of the coach text when you have a dark theme is jarring.

Fourth: choosing between displaying the sequence of best moves and the ones that represent consequence of what has been played has become unintuitive. Also the fact that the moves are no longer displayed in the speech bubble is also annoying

Fifth: evaluation graph jumping between top and bottom when going from highlights to review and vice versa is another stupid design. What is even the point of even making it jump like that?

The list goes on and on but I don't have enough patience to list every single detail.

Exactly it's looks so horrible why does chesscom always ruin the UI , whenever they update..


If they ACTUALLY cared about the user experience and UI, they would make the review automatically load in the same window as the chess game after the game ends promoting people to use it more... Instead, they gotta reinvent the wheel only to replace it with a rectangular brick.


The old design is back! I'm so happy, it's so much nicer.

Dipolygon wrote:

The old design is back! I'm so happy, it's so much nicer.

No, because we complained a few of us are back on it for a little while. They will DELETE it soon enough, and then we will all be stuck with the new trash!

Kenjitsuka wrote:

No, because we complained a few of us are back on it for a little while. They will DELETE it soon enough, and then we will all be stuck with the new trash!

To go with something you know without doubt: "Wie dan leeft, die dan zorgt". Or for you non Dutch speaking people: "Don't cross the bridges before you come to them". If we really get that abomination, then we've had time enough to think about canceling membership.

Kyla01 wrote:
Kenjitsuka wrote:

No, because we complained a few of us are back on it for a little while. They will DELETE it soon enough, and then we will all be stuck with the new trash!

To go with something you know without doubt: "Wie dan leeft, die dan zorgt". Or for you non Dutch speaking people: "Don't cross the bridges before you come to them". If we really get that abomination, then we've had time enough to think about canceling membership.

drittman13 who is working on the new design put us back on the old one, and he confirmed in this thread that they will delete it the moment they feel the new one is finished.
So this is just a move to stop our complaints for now.

Kenjitsuka wrote:

drittman13 who is working on the new design put us back on the old one, and he confirmed in this thread that they will delete it the moment they feel the new one is finished.
So this is just a move to stop our complaints for now.

I have this great idea: keep the old one! saves money, time and effort, and people like it. what's not to like?

richnfamous wrote:
Kenjitsuka wrote:

drittman13 who is working on the new design put us back on the old one, and he confirmed in this thread that they will delete it the moment they feel the new one is finished.
So this is just a move to stop our complaints for now.

I have this great idea: keep the old one! saves money, time and effort, and people like it. what's not to like?

exactly. old one was perfect, i might be wrong, but is it really that hard to tevert to the old one?

FJLawrence wrote:

exactly. old one was perfect, i might be wrong, but is it really that hard to tevert to the old one?

Short answer: Yes, it's very difficult. Some people have worked on that for weeks and it takes a lot of effort to swallow one's pride and say: "ok, we made a huge mistake".

Also... they probably never consider pulling it back because "So much time, money and effort was put in to it already". I can imagine that feeling but... One of the first thing you learn in project management is that you should not care for the project itself. The moment it is clear that it will not improve anything, don't spend any new money on it and just pull the plug. Not even if the project is done for 95% because you will then spend another 5% on something that will not improve anything.


The old version worked perfectly fine, and this new one is absolutely garbage. I'm cancelling my diamond membership. I'm not paying almost 20 dollars a month for a feature they decided to break for no reason.


The fact that they won't change it back, despite overwhelming negative reception says volumes about their respect for their community imo.

FJLawrence wrote:
richnfamous wrote:

I have this great idea: keep the old one! saves money, time and effort, and people like it. what's not to like?

exactly. old one was perfect, i might be wrong, but is it really that hard to tevert to the old one?

I think perhaps some internal politics and ego is involved. it's common in dev teams, and it never helps