
Custom games with odds?



I've saw Naka playing viewers with odds. The games are pre-set up with say, no rooks, or something.

Can I create my own custom odds game and invite a friend to play? How do I do it?

Can we do time-odds, or only piece odds?


KraigUK wrote:


I've saw Naka playing viewers with odds. The games are pre-set up with say, no rooks, or something.

Can I create my own custom odds game and invite a friend to play? How do I do it?

Can we do time-odds, or only piece odds?



For Daily Chess, start a game with a Custom Game and under the Advanced options choose Custom FEN under Setup. You'll need a valid FEN with your desired starting position.


It is not currently available in Live, except maybe for some staff. I have no idea if time odds are available for them.

Martin_Stahl wrote:
KraigUK wrote:


I've saw Naka playing viewers with odds. The games are pre-set up with say, no rooks, or something.

Can I create my own custom odds game and invite a friend to play? How do I do it?

Can we do time-odds, or only piece odds?



For Daily Chess, start a game with a Custom Game and under the Advanced options choose Custom FEN under Setup. You'll need a valid FEN with your desired starting position.


It is not currently available in Live, except maybe for some staff. I have no idea if time odds are available for them.


Thanks. Must be because Naka has a partnership with or something. He plays piece odds within blitz games online.


There’s the button to give an opponent extra time.  You could use that to make time odds.

Arbepe wrote:

There’s the button to give an opponent extra time.  You could use that to make time odds.

Where is the button? I remember seeing it a while back, but recently I haven't seen it.


Neither have I. I think it only does it if you are friends with the opponent.


Nice position for Handicaps/odds The game [ Chigorin, Mikhail Ivanovich-Albin, Adolf ]  Nuernberg 1896
 FEN position: 2q1r1rk/1p2n1pp/p1pBP1bn/2P1Pp2/1P1N1P2/P2Q2P1/6BP/3RR1K1 w - - 0 27
