
Difference between standard and chess 960


Guys will you help me whats difference between chess 960 and normal chess


Chess 960 is random position and standart is normal chess


chess 960 places the pieces in a random way, and there is no book moves, there is no theory for 960 different position

it's called chess 960 because there are 960 different position

if u want I can also explain how to play it irl


Means in chess 960 we start at random position and try to win that position?




We can try play


pawns are all on 2nd rank, and only the pieces at the backrank are randomized, still being at the 1st rank, so it's not rook knight bishop queen king bishop knight rook, it's different order




for irl, you need a random letter generator and follow instructions:

put letters a, c, e, g: whatever letter comes out, will be your dark squares bishop.

next put letter b, d, f, h: whatever letter comes out, will be your light squares bishop.

finally, put letter R, R, R, Q, N, N: Rs are for rooks and king, king always placed between rooks, Q for queen and Ns for knights. The order they come out, will be the places they will occupy taking into account that bishops are already placed.

example: first bishop gets e, second bishop gets b, and other are placed Q N R N R R

so they would be queen bishop knight rook bishop knight king rook



You can also just write letters on the bottom of the white pieces. Q, B, B', 2xN and 3xRKR on the bottom of the Pawns, a-d and e-h on the bottom of the Bishops, and abef or cdgh on the bottom of the Rooks. Then you can randomly place the Pawns. After that you place the piece that was written on the bottom of a Pawn behind it, except that you leave the RKR spots open, and place the Bishop at the B' Pawn only provisionally (e.g. in front of it instead of behind it).

If both Bishops are then on different shade, the setup is already OK, and you move it to the back rank behind the B' Pawn. If not, you look at the bottom of the Bishop in front of the B' Pawn to see if it should be moved to the other shade in files a-d or e-h, and you pick up one of the Rooks to see which of the two suitable files in that board half. You then swap that Bishop with whatever piece or empty square was there.

You always end by filling the remaining empty squares with a King between two Rooks.
