
Landmine chess


This works the same as regular chess, except that before the start of the game, each player chooses an unoccupied square to have a landmine; the other player is not informed of the location of this landmine.

Any piece that moves onto the landmine blows up and is removed from the board.  If this results in your king being in check on the other player's move, you lose instantly.  If your king moves onto a landmine, you lose instantly.

Any time a landmine is detonated, the player that placed it can immediately replace it on a new unoccupied square.  The opposing player is again not informed of its location.

One could intentionally sacrifice a piece on your own landmine to move it to a more useful location.




No, not if this is nuke chess:


In nuke chess, the goal is to nuke the enemy king with the bomb, and that's the only way to win.  In landmine chess, the goal is to win as normal, but with the additional complication that landmines might blow up some of your pieces.

In nuke chess, pieces carry the bomb.  In landmine chess, landmines do not move, and any piece that moves to their location dies.


Re-read my first post.  When your landmine detonates, you get to replace it.

So if you don't like where your landmine is, you could move one of your own pieces onto it to blow it up, and then you get to place it somewhere else.


Not right now, but sure!  We'd need someone to be game manager to keep track of the mines.