
An SA for team matches only is needed for 2 teams in return for diamond membership paid monthly.


Greetings everybody,

We are seeking a new dedicated Super Admin to join our ranks and take on important responsibilities that contribute to the growth and vibrancy of our chess community.

As a Super Admin, you will be responsible for:

Setting up daily matches: Organizing and coordinating regular chess matches, ensuring a diverse range of opponents and timeframes to cater to different member preferences.

Greeting new members: Extending a warm and friendly welcome to new members, providing them with any necessary information, and helping them integrate into our community.

If you believe you possess the passion, dedication, and organizational skills required for this role, we would love to hear from you! In recognition of the commitment and effort involved, the selected Super Admin will receive a monthly Diamond membership, granting access to exclusive benefits and privileges within our Chess Group Premium.

To express your interest in becoming our new Super Admin, please send a message to John_Warren. In your message, kindly provide a brief introduction, outlining your chess experience, your ideas for enhancing our group, and any relevant qualifications or skills you possess.

After reviewing all applications, we will select the most suitable candidate to join our administrative team.

We look forward to receiving your applications and continuing to strengthen our community together!

Best regards,


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