
Epic Stonewall Attack vs Dutch


This one had everything folks. Queenside & Kingside castling ... Rook sacrifices. My opponent stated this was the most complicated game he has played in awhile. Granted we are only mid 1300 players but I'm sure we played much higher than that. I only wish I knew how to post game. I think one must be premium member. If anyone can go to my archive and post game for me it would be appreciated. It was my last game played .. (Standard live chess " I'm curious to read comments and criticism.



Tried using FEN, it does not work for it.

So i figure a PGN has to be used.

waffllemaster posted the game while i tried....listed below.


link to game --->


Good game! Smile


Thanks Mr. Waffles and Your Royalty of the bishop variety !!!!


Constructive criticism please. I think we both played well. I think he did miss 19. ... Qxc3 which would've changed everything.




1) On move 3 why did you still try to continue w/  Stonewall Attack?        

2) On move 8 why not b4 instead of b3 to force opponent o-o instead of o-o-o ?           

 3) On move 11 Ba3 some how works! Planned it? For Q-side attack.     

 4) 23.Nf3 Rdg8 24. Nd4  ends the game aware of it then or a little later?

5) Around move 33-34 had the option to play a passed pawn end game for win! It would have take longer. At move #33...  See mate in 8? lol




Question 1 .... I don't know any better. Being a novice I just continue my opening regardless.

Question 2.... I chose b3 to protect a4 and get my black squared bishop into the fight. I have learned that the black square bishop really doesn't serve much purpose in the stonewall attack cause its boxed in early and remains there for most of game. I try to trade that bishop always.

Question 3 ( see answer to question 2 )

Question 4 ... Yes it would take him multiple moves to establish an attack kingside when I was threatening a serious attack with little defense for black.

Question 4 my endgames are suspect and usually don't have much clock left so I try to avoid pawn and rook endgames. And no I didn't see mate in 8 my clock was winding down so I acted on pure instinct. Too be honest I didn't even see mate in 2 till game was over.


actually Its a mistake to play e3 should develop and exchnage your dark squated bishop for one of your opponent's knights and then put all your pawn in dark squares(Gm Nigel Davis has said this!)

Salimi98 wrote:

actually Its a mistake to play e3 should develop and exchnage your dark squated bishop for one of your opponent's knights and then put all your pawn in dark squares(Gm Nigel Davis has said this!)

 Is this from a book? I like to reference more of his views on this subject.


Its great.of course it's not just about epic stonewall And has some more attacking formation too

It would be useful fot you