
game review interface change?



Today we released the new version of Game Review on web to all members so we can no longer support moving people to the old version. While I know not everyone loves the change, it's something we are moving forward with as we have found a lot of positives as well, and it's hard to balance the needs of our 150 million members.

I will say that the feedback from the community was instrumental in improving the product since it was initially released as we have implemented many changes. We also have a Support article here that goes into even more detail about the new Game Review design and some of the related settings.


Hi all! Sorry for the frustration with the new version of Game Review. I have migrated everybody in this thread who had a negative experience back to the old version of Game Review (let me know if it did not go through for you). We will eventually be moving to a new design, but will be sure to think through all of your feedback. Thanks as always for sharing your opinions. It helps make and the community great! happy.png

drittman13 wrote:

Hi all! Sorry for the frustration with the new version of Game Review. I have migrated everybody in this thread who had a negative experience back to the old version of Game Review (let me know if it did not go through for you). We will eventually be moving to a new design, but will be sure to think through all of your feedback. Thanks as always for sharing your opinions. It helps make and the community great!

Thank you for taking our comments seriously :-)

drittman13 wrote:

Hi all! Sorry for the frustration with the new version of Game Review. I have migrated everybody in this thread who had a negative experience back to the old version of Game Review (let me know if it did not go through for you). We will eventually be moving to a new design, but will be sure to think through all of your feedback. Thanks as always for sharing your opinions. It helps make and the community great!

OH pfew.. thanks.. That looks so much better again. Please don't make a new look. This is the best possible you already have. Don't change just for the sake of change because you are just going to get more frustration.

drittman13 wrote:

Hi all! Sorry for the frustration with the new version of Game Review. I have migrated everybody in this thread who had a negative experience back to the old version of Game Review (let me know if it did not go through for you).

Hello, could you do the same for me please ?

And a couple of friendly suggestions :

- Beta testing should be an opt-in feature.

- I do hope a basic game review will remain available to non-premium (it's not the case currently beyond the one review per day); otherwise will truly become a "pay to learn" thing, which I find hard to justify for a website with multiple sources of income, especially when there are free alternatives on the net.


> Hello, could you do the same for me please ?


> - Beta testing should be an opt-in feature.

Beta testing is open to anyone to opt into! Just join the beta club


@drittman13 : Thank you ! happy


Best improvement ever!!


Id appreciate a revert as well. I'm not enjoying the new version. @drittman13


Me too. This is a big step back in terms of usability. How can I install the old version?


Seconding everyone's complaint about the new game review interface - it's much less functional now! Would appreciate if you could rolled me back also please.


Hi, can it be rolled back for me too. Really struggling to use it now


Same. The new UX appeared for me a few days ago. It's quite strange: unlimited review is one of the selling points for the paid memberships. Why make the feature worse?


I just got the new game review today, android mobile, and it sucks.

I too would enjoy a revert.


PLEASE revert me back to the previous as well. Thank you


I pay for a membership specifically to use game review, if this is the future for that feature, then there's no point in having a paid membership for me. It seems like you're getting a lot of negative feedback, and nothing positive. I'm shocked this passed beta, honestly. If I can be reverted, even short term, I'd appreciate it. It not, I'll be canceling my membership.

drittman13 wrote:

Hi all! Sorry for the frustration with the new version of Game Review. I have migrated everybody in this thread who had a negative experience back to the old version of Game Review (let me know if it did not go through for you). We will eventually be moving to a new design, but will be sure to think through all of your feedback. Thanks as always for sharing your opinions. It helps make and the community great!

Thank you for your attention on this issue.

Could you please also revert the UI of game review to the old version for me as well? 

Compared to the old UI, for me the new UI works absolutely horrendously in my opinion.

Below my feedback:

  1. The user's eyes have to move from the bottom all the way past the board to the top for every single move. (Seems like a little thing, but really strains the eyes a lot compared to the old UI)
  2. The next button and the coach bubble take up SO much space unnessarily.
    • The button is way too big
    • The coach head is way too big (and irrelevant).
  3. The bubble holds very little text now. 
  4. The white bubble background is VERY distracting (compared to the dark background which before was standard)
  5. The coach review has a delay before showing up which really slows things down and is annoying when clicking through the steps.
  6. The coach button COVERS the stat bar at the top when there is a bit more text. (unacceptable!)
    • I know you can drag the bubble down if it has too much text and covers other things, but that seems like an unneccesary extra step for a newly created problem.
  7. The coach does not give any advice on lessons to follow after the game.
  8. The coach does not show the improved accuracy anymore after redoing bad moves for better moves at the end of reviewing the game.
  9. It is not possible to click on your 'best'or 'great' moves in the game review overview. Clicking does not go to the particular move anymore (which was a great feature!)

Hope my feedback might help improve it, if the decision is not to revert it back!

Thank you. 
Kind regards


@drittman13 I would like a revert as well please


i love the new game review!!!


Terrible change, been a member since 2008, canceled my membership today. Just can't stand this idiotic change.


@drittman13 Could you please migrate me back to the old version as well? Thank you!