
Is using programs to quicky premove pieces cheating in 1-0 games?


Some people that I play here have unnatural speed while premoving pieces in close time games.

For example, in the last game, I'm at 5.8 sec vs 1.5. I'm doing premoves, my opponents is doing premoves. Yet he's loosing just 0.1 on his moves, while I'm loosing 0.2 and up, and I end up timing out at the end with him still on 1 sec, with both of us making nonsense moves.

fawe4 wrote:

Some people that I play here have unnatural speed while premoving pieces in close time games.

For example, in the last game, I'm at 5.8 sec vs 1.5. I'm doing premoves, my opponents is doing premoves. Yet he's loosing just 0.1 on his moves, while I'm loosing 0.2 and up, and I end up timing out at the end with him still on 1 sec, with both of us making nonsense moves.

Premoves take a minimum of 0.1 second but can take longer if you're experiencing higher lag

Martin_Stahl wrote:
fawe4 wrote:

Some people that I play here have unnatural speed while premoving pieces in close time games.

For example, in the last game, I'm at 5.8 sec vs 1.5. I'm doing premoves, my opponents is doing premoves. Yet he's loosing just 0.1 on his moves, while I'm loosing 0.2 and up, and I end up timing out at the end with him still on 1 sec, with both of us making nonsense moves.

Premoves take a minimum of 0.1 second but can take longer if you're experiencing higher lag

I see, so it's always 0.1, no matter what?

Is there a way to see time used per move in .1's during review, or during live games? I'm experiencing wildly unpredictable time use on this site, and trying to pinpoint the problems.


Eh, I figured it out. This site has this silly multiple premove system enabled... It's possible to chain multiple moves together via a truly gamey system. I'm pretty sure that's the thing that was throwing me off. Auto 0.1 per move is also enabled, so that offsets it a bit. It's still very weird coming from years of Lichess. 1min games tend to be much faster here simply because of that 0.1.

I'd still like to know if it's possible to have always detailed clock enabled, not only when time reaches 20sec or less. It'd help to determine lag, as the only way to do that is /ping command, I believe.


It's always at least 0.1 second but can be more if the premove was made and the client has higher lag, more than what is automatically forgiven.

Once I lost M1 while having 0.5 sec
And I premoved and lagged

The premoves you are losing to are not always "nonsense moves". Watch Naroditsky play bullet. He makes premoves that do not allow him to be checked, and are also not that predictable. Every time your opponent forces your premove "chain" to break, you will lose time. If your king gets checked or even is blocked from making the next move in your premove "chain", you will lose time. If the piece you are chain moving gets captured, you will lose time. If you move across the board with a long mouse drag instead of one square, you will lose time. Etc.


Chained premoves are gamey, but it's online chess, so it's something to get used to.

It's auto 0.1 sec per move, coupled with chained premoves that what gives us a really stupid bullet implementation, imho. It means auto loss in certain completely winning situations. The opponent will just milk the clock by shuffling his pieces around, and not even checks will help you.

ps. Actually, not bullet, I'm talking about all no increment games on this site. 0.1 get's cancelled as soon as any kind of time bonus is added.